Community Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2023

Bayview Opera House
4705 3rd St. San Francisco, CA 94124


Meeting called to order at 6:09 pm.


PRESENT: Wechter, Carrion, Afuhaamango, Brookter (at 6:47pm), Soo, Acting Secretary Leung
NOT PRESENT: Members Nguyen (excused), Palmer

A quorum of the Board was present.

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President Wechter welcomed the public. Member Afuhaamango, Vice President Carrion, Member Soo, and President Wechter introduced themselves, welcomed the public, and gave a brief profile of themselves.

Linda Fadeke Richardson, member of the community, appeared in person and welcomed the board to the community.

Unidentified caller online, stated he was unable to hear the speakers online. He stated in chat that he had no public comment.

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The floor was open for the public to address the board on what qualifications they would like to see in an Inspector General.

Open discussion and comments by Vice President Carrion, Member Soo, and President Wechter.

Linda Fadeke Richardson, member of the community, appeared in person and stated the qualifications she would like to see in an Inspector General would be: knowledge of the community, police, sheriff, and law enforcement to meet the expectations of the community.

Gina Tobar emailed the following public comment to on March 16, 2023:
These are desirable characteristics for the IG candidates in my perspective - possibly a tall order:
• solid understanding and respect for constitutional law
• experience being an effective leader of a team in government
• I have a preference for someone who understands the full scope of the job
• confident person not afraid to talk truth to power
• strong sense of right and wrong/ fair
• no public social media - private social media is limited to family and very few friends
• friends and colleagues describe the person as focused and goal oriented, and kind and respectful, reserved
• high IQ
• high social/emotional IQ as demonstrated by good leadership & respectful demeanor
• public service oriented

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No public comment.

Due to weather and traffic, the board took a 15-minute break from 6:35 pm to 6:45 pm to allow others to join the meeting and to ascertain the audio issues with online listeners.

No public comment.

Member Brookter appeared, introduced himself and gave a brief profile of himself.

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All those in favor voted AYE. No NAYS.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:48 pm.


Dan Leung
Legal Assistant,
Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board



Full video recording may be accessed at:



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