Meeting Minutes

January 6, 2023

Meeting called to order at 2:03 pm. Pledge of Allegiance.


PRESENT: President Wechter, Vice President Carrion, Members Afuhaamango, Brookter, Nguyen, Palmer, Soo, Acting Secretary Leung

A quorum of the Board was present.

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Vote to adopt resolution:
AYES: Afuhaamango, Brookter, Carrion, Nguyen, Palmer, Soo, Wechter
NAYS: None
Approved 7 - 0

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Motion to adopt the Meeting Minutes from the December 2, 2022, meeting by Member Soo, seconded by President Wechter.


Vote to adopt minutes:
AYES: Afuhaamango, Carrion, Nguyen, Soo, Wechter
ABSTAIN: Brookter, Palmer
Approved 5 - 0

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Shadayra Kilfoy-Flores, Interim Chair, Madison Wisconsin Police Civilian Oversight Board (PCOB) appeared remotely and presented on their experience for recruitment of an independent police monitor without using a recruitment firm.

Questions by: Vice President Carrion, Members Brookter, Afuhaamango, Soo, and President Wechter.

Vice President Carrion requested to open the floor for discussion while waiting for the next presenter. Vice President, Members Soo, Afuhaamango, Brookter, Palmer, Nguyen, and President Wechter held open discussion.

Vice President Carrion makes a motion to create a task force (committee) to work with DHR for the process of soliciting resumes and then to access and present a recommendation on whether we need support; to create a job post and to return with an update to the Board. Seconded by Member Soo.

Shawn Sherburne from the Department of Human Resources (DHR) appeared remotely to answer questions and avail himself and to find (DHR) resources to assist the board with recruitment and to schedule time with board members.

Questions and comments by: President Wechter, Vice President Carrion, Members Soo, Brookter.


Barbara Attard, present in person, worked for the Sheriff’s department, former OCC and past President of NACOLE, stated she had emailed public comment and was appearing to offer further comment: how you go about hiring an inspector general is difficult; it is urgent to get someone in the position, it is important who is hired as the inspector general to set up the office, the idea of getting a retired person to set up the office is not the best practice, need to find the best person for the job, urges the board to bring in a recruitment firm, DHR is slammed and does not have the resources, Bob Murray has the expertise, move on, get someone started to do the job (of recruitment) and do it once and do it right.

Carolyn DeJung Guzman, appearing remotely, called on behalf of the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office, who was involved with the creation of the oversight board from the beginning with legislation and working with Supervisor Walton; this board is very important to them. The IG role is important for them and clients and folks who work in the jails. They thanked the board for volunteering to work on this body. They are supportive of hiring a professional recruitment firm that has expertise in recruiting for this position. It is an important role, a first for San Francisco, and they want to make sure the best possible expert is hired. Using nationwide recruitment will attract the most qualified candidates. DHR is overworked and they don’t see them doing a really in-depth nationwide search that is needed to have the best possible director in the position. They want to ensure that the IG (position) is filled with the best and most experienced individual with strong commitment to oversight and experience in the area. They urge to vote in favor of using an outside firm and doing a nationwide search to ensure we have the best candidate.

Gloria Berry, appearing remotely, member of District 10, does not believe that DHR follows through with their racial equality plan; using a contractor could be risk of wasting money, friends hiring friends, and not yielding a qualified candidate. Find a city that hired an IG that made bold changes to get rid of racist and abusive deputies and see how they found that person and their procedures. Once a candidate is up for hiring, reach out to the harmed communities to give their final stamp of approval.

Further discussion and comments by President Wechter, Member Soo, Vice President Carrion, and Member Afuhaamango. Comments from presenter Shadayra Kilfoy-Flores.

Clarification on motion: motion to create a committee, chaired by Vice President Carrion, for the purpose to work closely with DHR to establish a job description and to publicly post and to evaluate to see who comes in who meets the basic minimum to give a report next month about what was accomplished and who was outreached to and give an update next month.

Vote on motion to create a committee that will work with DHR to prepare a job description which will be presented and updated first to the board and then to proceed to the next step which would be posting it and making the list.
AYES: Afuhaamango, Brookter, Carrion, Nguyen, Palmer, Soo, Wechter
NAYS: None
Motion passes 7-0

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Marshall Khine, present in person, appeared to answer questions from the DPA presentation from the last SDOB regular meeting on December 2, 2022 and reiterates DPA’s commitment to support the board and support realization of the board’s vision in any way that is appropriate to set up the Office of Inspector General.

Mr. Khine responded to questions from President Wechter. Points, clarification, and objections by Vice President Carrion. Vice President Carrion asked that the city attorney research and confirm the board’s limitations and obligations of the board under the law. Question by Member Soo.


Motion to conclude this line item by Member Soo, seconded by Vice President Carrion.

Vote on motion to conclude this line item.
AYES: Afuhaamango, Brookter, Carrion, Nguyen, Palmer, Soo
NAYS: Wechter
Motion passes 6-1

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Member Soo opens the discussion and clarifies the edits. 

Questions and comments by Member Afuhaamango.


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President Wechter opens the discussion on the mission statement and moves to continue line item to the next meeting. Member Soo comments.

Motion to continue to (the line item) to next month, to simultaneously, include the NACOLE code of ethics, and adopt Member Soo’s version of the mission statement by President Wechter.

Member Palmer comments on the revised version of the mission statement. Member Soo responds.


With no objections, matter is continued to the next meeting to allow members an opportunity for further revision.


President Wechter opens discussion on the statement of incompatible activities and requests matter be continued pending information from the city attorney regarding Section III (A) (1) paragraph 3.

Vice President motions to continue this line item, along with line items 8. Social Media Policy and 9. Business cards, to move onto line item 10. Seconded by President Wechter.


Vote to continue lines items 7, 8 and 9.
AYES: Afuhaamango, Brookter, Carrion, Nguyen, Palmer, Soo, Wechter
NAYS: None
Motion passes 7-0

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Discussion on community meetings by President Wechter, Vice President Carrion, and Member Soo, Nguyen, and Afuhaamango.

Member Soo requests that along with social media policy and business cards, that there is an update on jail health.


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No public comment.

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Motion to adjourn.
No objections.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:06 pm.


Dan Leung
Legal Assistant,
Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board



Full video recording may be accessed at:


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