Public Integrity

The Controller’s Office, in consultation with the City Attorney’s Office, conducts public integrity reviews and assessments when appropriate to assess criminal conduct by City employees, officials, and vendors, and to transparently describe the City’s efforts to root out and prevent corruption in all its forms.

Public Integrity Tipline

Investigators from the Controller’s Office consider every allegation of wrongdoing raised by city employees and members of the public. Please contact the Public Integrity Tip Line to report suspected public integrity abuses. You can provide information via e-mail at or by phone at (415) 554-7657. All tips may be submitted anonymously and will remain confidential. 

Suspended and Debarred Contractors

Debarment procedures are used to disqualify contractors from the City’s bidding process. View the current list of suspended or debarred contractors.

Whistleblower Program

The Whistleblower Program helps ensure integrity and accountability in our government. Anyone can report fraud, waste, and abuse by City employees and City contractors. The Controller's Office will investigate your confidential report. Find out more about the Whistleblower Program.

Public Integrity Assessments and Audits

Status Reports
