Building Inspection Commission

We manage the Department of Building Inspection and oversee enforcement of the city's building codes.


Third Wednesday of every month. Meetings are accessible, open to the public, and aired live on SFGovTV Channel 78 and SFGovTV website. Meetings are held in-person and on WebEx.

Meeting recordings

Archives of Building Inspection Commission meeting recordings can be found at SFGovTV.


Special Building Inspection Commission (BIC) meeting


Building Inspection Commission (BIC) meeting
Special Building Inspection Commission (BIC) meeting


The San Francisco Building Inspection Commission and the Department of Building Inspection were created by voter referendum in 1994. The Building Inspection Commission was designed to provide representation for the various communities, which interact with the Building Department. The Building Inspection Commission recommends candidates to serve as the director of DBI, sets policy, hears various appeals on issues leading up to the issuance of building permits, sits as the Abatement Appeals Board to hear appeals of Director's Orders of Abatement, and provides a public forum through their monthly meetings.

Commission members

Currently, the seven different commission slots are filled by a structural engineer, a licensed architect, a residential tenant, a residential builder, a residential landlord, a community based non-profit housing developer, and a member of the general public at large. The Mayor appoints four positions and the President of the Board of Supervisors appoints three. 

Woman with short brown hair, wearing a floral patterned top, leopard print glasses, and stone hoop earrings.
Seat 1Bianca NeumannAAB Vice-PresidentNon-Profit Seat
Earl Shaddix
Seat 2Earl ShaddixBIC Vice-President
Catherine Meng
Seat 3Catherine MengLicensed Architect
Woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a black jacket.
Seat 5Alysabeth Alexander-TutBIC PresidentTenant Seat
Evita Chavez
Seat 6Evita ChavezAAB President


SecretarySonya Harris
Assistant secretaryMonique Mustapha

Contact information


Building Inspection Commission49 South Van Ness
5th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

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