Sarah Fine
(she, her)

Sarah Fine headshot
Shape Up SF Steering Committee Member, Vice President of Community Impact, Health for the Greater Bay Area American Heart Association

Sarah Fine, MPA, is the Vice President of Community Impact, Health for the Greater Bay Area American Heart Association (AHA). She leads a team to advance health equity by enacting policy, systems and environmental interventions across the region via partnerships with community and clinical organizations. Prior to joining the AHA, Sarah was an Enterprise Nonprofit Account Director at LinkedIn, where she strategically advised nonprofits on how to leverage LinkedIn to advance their missions. Before LinkedIn, her career trajectory included working in the nonprofit and public sectors for 15+ years

Sarah Fine, MPA, is the Vice President of Community Impact, Health for the Greater Bay Area American Heart Association (AHA). She leads a team to advance health equity by enacting policy, systems and environmental interventions across the region via partnerships with community and clinical organizations. Prior to joining the AHA, Sarah was an Enterprise Nonprofit Account Director at LinkedIn, where she strategically advised nonprofits on how to leverage LinkedIn to advance their missions. Before LinkedIn, her career trajectory included working in the nonprofit and public sectors for 15+ years, with expertise ranging from advancing education equity in Argentina (while living there for 5+ years) to promoting health justice across California. She is also a San Francisco native, a  nature enthusiast, and is a mom to Chiara, 6.5 and Tiago, 3.5 (the .5 matters A LOT to them!). She holds a BA in Anthropology from GWU and an MPA from SF State's school of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement.

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