Marianne Szeto
(she, her)

Marianne Szeto headshot
Shape Up SF Coalition Backbone, Healthy Eating Active Living Team Lead Community Health Equity and Promotion (CHEP)

Marianne Szeto, MPH, Healthy Eating Active Living Team Lead in the Community Health Equity and Promotion Branch of the San Francisco Department of Public Health. She is the backbone staff for the Shape Up SF Coalition, a multidisciplinary collaborative founded in 2006 to address the epidemic of chronic disease through primary prevention and environmental strategies, with an emphasis on physical activity and nutrition.

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Marianne Szeto, MPH, Healthy Eating Active Living Team Lead in the Community Health Equity and Promotion Branch of the San Francisco Department of Public Health. She is the backbone staff for the Shape Up SF Coalition, a multidisciplinary collaborative founded in 2006 to address the epidemic of chronic disease through primary prevention and environmental strategies, with an emphasis on physical activity and nutrition.

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Population Health
25 Van Ness
San Francisco, CA 94102