Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance

Employers are required to consider employees' requests for flexible or predictable work arrangements to assist with caregiving responsibilities.

The San Francisco Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance (FFWO) gives certain employees the right to request flexible or predictable work arrangements to assist with caregiving responsibilities.

Employers with 20 or more employees are covered by the law. You may have the right to request a flexible or predictable working arrangement if:

  • You are employed within the geographic boundaries of San Francisco or you are teleworking and assigned to a San Francisco office; and
  • You work regularly at least 8 hours per week; and
  • You have been employed by your employer for 6 months or more; and
  • You are the primary contributor to the ongoing care of any of the following:
    (1)   A child or children for whom the you have assumed parental responsibility;
    (2)   A person or persons with a serious health condition in a family relationship with you; or
    (3)   A person who is age 65 or older and in a family relationship with you

You must submit a request in writing to your employer. Upon receiving the written request for a flexible or predictable working arrangement, your employer must respond to your request within 21 days. If your employer grants your request, they must confirm in writing. If your employer does not agree to the request as presented, they must meet with you to engage in an interactive process to discuss alternatives. After engaging in an interactive process, your employer may deny the request if able to demonstrate undue hardship. Your employer must provide a written response that includes an explanation for the denial and notifies you of your right to request reconsideration within 30 days and file a complaint with OLSE. Upon receiving a request for reconsideration, your employer must arrange a meeting with you to discuss the request within 21 days. Your employer must send a final written decision to you within 14 days after the meeting.

Legal Authority

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed the Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance on October 8, 2013. The law became operative on January 1, 2014.


Contact us

If you have any questions about your rights or responsibilities, contact us: 415-554-6424 or email

You can file a complaint if you believe your rights have been violated.

Last updated June 27, 2024