Indoor dining, indoor worship, and other activities allowed

All patrons must wear face coverings. Reopening places must have safety plans in place.

An updated health order allows for more activities to reopen. All facilities must have a safety plan in place, before they can reopen.

Everyone will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before they enter the indoor space.

Indoor dining can operate at 25% capacity for each room, up to 100 people

Takeout, delivery, and outdoor dining are still available. All are safer options than indoor dining. Restaurants must stop serving food and drinks at midnight.

Everyone must wear face coverings, except when actively eating or drinking.

See guidance for indoor dining.

Places of worship can operate indoors at 25% capacity for each space, up to 100 people

Outdoor religious services are still available, with increased capacity of up to 200 people. Outdoor services are safer than indoor services.

Certain rituals may be changed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Everyone must be able to stay 6 feet apart at all times, and wear a face covering.

See guidance for places of worship.

Other reopening activities

Up to 200 people are now allowed for an outdoor political protest.

More outdoor family entertainment can reopen. This includes carousels, miniature trains, and Ferris wheels.

Gyms and indoor dining inside hotels can reopen, following other public health rules.

Indoor malls can increase their capacity to 50%, with an approved safety plan. Indoor food courts may also reopen, following rules for indoor dining.

See what else to expect when visiting a business during the coronavirus pandemic.