Infrastructure Subcommittee Meeting

Monday, September 9, 2024

In this page:


    1. Call to Order / Roll Call [discussion and action]
    2. Approval of August Meeting Minutes [discussion and action]
    3. Approval of Agenda [discussion and action]
    4. General Public Comment
    5. House Keeping [discussion and possible action]
    6. SDDT FY 24-25 Budget [discussion and possible action]
    7. Questions on Reporting for HSA – SDDT Funding [discussion and possible action]
    8. Discuss Possible Agenda Items for Next Meeting [discussion and possible action]
    9. Announcements
    10. Adjourn

    Date & Time

    Monday, September 9, 2024
    1:30 pm to 3:00 pm


    Last updated September 4, 2024