May 20, 2024 Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting

Monday, May 20, 2024

In this page:


    1. Roll Call – Determination of Quorum
    2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
    3. Approve April 22, 2024 meeting minutes
    4. Public Comment (Discussion Item)

      The public may address the Committee on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee. This should not relate to any item on this agenda since the Committee will take public comment after it discusses and/or before voting on each agenda item. The Committee requests that each person limit him/herself to three minutes

    5. Committee Reports & Administrative Business (Information)

      a)  District Committee Member Reports

    6. Governmental/Organizational/Committee Reports (Discussion)
      • SFPD Special Operations - Commander Nicole Jones 
      • MTA Program Report – Christine Osorio & Matt Lasky
      • SF Bicycle Coalition – Rachel Clyde
      • SF Public Works - Clinton Otwell
      • BART BATF –Jon Spangler & Maya Chaffee 
    7. Adjournment

    Date & Time

    Monday, May 20, 2024
    6:30 pm


    Until further notice, all meetings are online. Please register to attend each meeting.
    Sign up


    May 20, 2024 BAC Agenda

    Last updated May 17, 2024