January 7, 2025 Entertainment Commission Meeting

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

In this page:


    Meeting will be held both in-person and remotely for the public.

    Members of the Entertainment Commission will attend this meeting in-person. Members of the public are invited to observe the meeting in-person or remotely online as described below. Members of the public attending the meeting in-person will have an opportunity to provide public comment on every item.

    In addition to in-person public comment, the Entertainment Commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote public comment total on each agenda item (all public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person on each item for both in-person and remote attendees). The Entertainment Commission will hear remote public comment on each item in the order that commenters add themselves to the queue to comment on the item. Because of the 20-minute time limit, it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote public comment. Remote public comment from people who have received an accommodation due to disability (see "Disability Access" section) will not count toward the 20-minute limit.

    Participate on Zoom, or watch live on www.SFGovTV.org/ecLIVE and SF Cable Channel 26.

    Refer to the “Remote Access to Information and Participation” section at the end of this agenda document for detailed instructions on how to participate remotely.

    Ben Bleiman, President - Industry Representative
    Cyn Wang, Vice President - Urban Planning Representative
    Maria Davis, Commissioner - Industry Representative
    Al Perez, Commissioner - Neighborhood Representative
    Lt. Leonard Poggio, Commissioner - Law Enforcement Representative
    Anthony Schlander, Commissioner - Neighborhood Representative
    Laura Thomas, Commissioner - Public Health Representative


    1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    2. General Public Comment
      • Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.
    3. Approval of Meeting Minutes
      • Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2024 Commission meeting. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
      • Public comment
    4. Report from Executive Director
      • Legislative/Policy Update: none; Staff and Office Update: Calendar updates; Update on Board of Appeals Actions: none; Corrective Actions: none. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
      • Public comment
    5. Report from Senior Inspector
      • Senior Inspector Andrew Zverina reports on recent enforcement activities. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
      • Public comment
    6. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission.

      [Discussion and Possible Action Item]

      Consent Calendar:
      All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Entertainment Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing.


      Consent Agenda: None

      • Public comment after all items on the Consent Agenda

      Regular Agenda:

      • a. EC-1831 - Feray Sozer of THE PERA LLC, dba Royal Ground Coffee, 2216 Polk St – Limited Live Performance that includes outdoor amplified sound at the front of the business
      • b. EC-1820 - Kevin Kynoch and Brandon Phillipa of FIVEYTIME LLC, dba Magnolia Brewing Company, 1398 Haight St – Limited Live Performance 
      • c. EC-1828 - Mohamed Ali Alarkaban of CAFE X ONE INC, dba Habibi Lounge, 26 6th St – Place of Entertainment that includes outdoor amplified sound & Extended Hours Premises   
      • Public comment after each item on the Regular Agenda
    7. Commissioner Comments & Questions; New Business Request for Future Agenda Items
      • This item is to allow Commissioners to introduce agenda items for future consideration, and to make announcements. [Action item and Announcements]
      • Public Comment
    8. Adjournment

    Date & Time

    Tuesday, January 7, 2025
    5:30 pm

    City Hall Room 416

    1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
    San Francisco, CA 94102
    View location on google maps


    This meeting will be held both online and in-person.

    Zoom Meeting


    Public Comment Call-in Number

    Access Code: 834 9716 4469. Dial *9 to raise your hand. Dial *6 to unmute/mute.

    Meeting Recording

    Video recordings of the San Francisco Entertainment Commission Meetings


    SF Entertainment Commission Meeting Agenda - January 7, 2025

    Draft EC Meeting Minutes for January 7, 2025

    Remote Access to Information and Participation

    Remote Access to Information and Participation

    The public may participate via computer with a Zoom link, or via telephone. This meeting will also be available to watch live on www.SFGovTV.org/ecLIVE and SF Cable Channel 26. 

    In addition to in-person public comment, the Entertainment Commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote public comment total on each agenda item (all public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person on each item for both in-person and remote attendees).  The Entertainment Commission will hear remote public comment on each item in the order that commenters add themselves to the queue to comment on the item.  Because of the 20-minute time limit, it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote public comment.  Remote public comment from people who have received an accommodation due to disability (see “Disability Access” section) will not count toward the 20-minute limit.

    To access the Meeting by Computer/Smartphone/Tablet or by Telephone:

    To access by computer/smartphone/tablet, please click the link in the agenda.

    To access by telephone, call +1-669-900-6833 and enter the Meeting ID located on the left side panel of this webpage. (Please read the notes, below, prior to calling in).

    Participants using the telephone who wish to speak on a particular item on the Entertainment Commission’s agenda can stay on the phone line and listen for the item to be called.  Please wait for staff to announce the public comment portion.  If your agenda item is called and you would like to speak in public comment on your phone, dial *9 and this will show a raised hand; staff will enter you into the meeting when it is your turn. To unmute or mute yourself, dial *6.

    Remote Public Comment during Meetings:

    The Entertainment Commission welcomes and encourages public comment.  Please read below to help facilitate this process for remote public comment:

    Follow these best practices to improve your call:

    1. Call from a quiet location
    2. Speak slowly and clearly
    3. Turn down radios or televisions. If you are also viewing the meeting on SFGovTV, be sure to mute it before speaking during public comment.

    Raising Your Hand in a Remote Meeting:

    If you would like to speak during public comment, please listen for your agenda item to be called, then wait until the public comment section is announced. When it is your turn, staff will enter you into the meeting to speak or read aloud your chat message.

    By computer, smartphone, or tablet:

    Step 1: Click the ‘Participants’ button at the bottom of the screen. This brings up several options to choose from to provide nonverbal feedback.

    Step 2: Select the ‘Raise Hand’ option.

    By telephone: Dial *9 to raise your hand. Dial *6 to unmute/mute.

    By chat: During the public comment for a particular agenda item, you may submit a written comment via the chat function on Zoom. Your comment will be read aloud in the order it is received. 

    Things to Remember:

    The Commission’s staff will indicate how much time you will have to provide your verbal comment. You will be alerted when you have 30 seconds remaining. 

    Once your public comment time has ended, you will be moved out off the live speaker line and back listening to the meeting (unless you disconnect).

    Disability Access

    Disability Access

    City Hall Room 416 is wheelchair accessible. This meeting will be broadcast and captioned on SFGovTV. Remote public participation is available upon request for individuals who cannot attend in person due to disability.  Making a request to participate remotely no later than one (1) hour prior to the start of the meeting helps ensure availability of the meeting link. Sign Language Interpretation is also available upon request.

    If requesting remote Sign Language Interpretation, please submit an accommodation request a minimum of 4 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Allowing a minimum of 48 business hours for all other accommodation requests (for example, for other auxiliary aids and services) helps ensure availability.  To request accommodation, please contact Commission Secretary May Liang at 628-652-6035 or may.k.liang@sfgov.org and CC our main email address: entertainment.commission@sfgov.org.

    Cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices

    Cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices

    The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the Chair or the Interim Chair may order the removal from the meeting of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.

    Public Comment

    Public Comment

    Public Comment will be taken before or during the Commission’s consideration of each agenda item. Speakers may address the Commission for up to three minutes. During General Public Comment, members of the public may address the Commission on matters that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction and are not on today’s agenda.


    Persons attending the meeting and those unable to attend may submit written comments regarding the subject of the meeting.  Such comments will be made part of the official public record and will be brought to the attention of the Commission.  Written comments should be submitted to the Entertainment Commission via email to entertainment.commission@sfgov.org.

    Explanatory Documents:  Copies of explanatory documents listed in this agenda, and other related materials received by the Entertainment Commission after the posting of this agenda, can be obtained by emailing Entertainment.Commission@sfgov.org during normal business hours, and also, to the extent possible, will be available on the Commission's website at: https://sfgov.org/entertainment/public-notices-meetings.

    Sunshine Ordinance

    Sunshine Ordinance


    Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct people's business.  This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review.  Copies of the Sunshine Ordinance can be obtained from the Clerk of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force (sfgov.org/sunshine) the San Francisco Public Library. and on the City’s website at sfgov.org. For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact: 

    Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

    City Hall, Room 244

    1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

    San Francisco, CA 94102-4683

    Office:  (415) 554-7724

    (Fax):    (415) 554-5163

    (E-mail):  SOTF@sfgov.org

    (Web): sfgov.org/sunshine

    Language Access

    Language Access

    Per the Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 of the San Francisco Administrative Code), Chinese, Spanish and or Filipino (Tagalog) interpreters will be available upon requests. Meeting Minutes may be translated, if requested, after they have been adopted by the Commission. Assistance in additional languages may be honored whenever possible. To request assistance with these services please contact the Commission Clerk May Liang at 628-652-6035 or may.k.liang@sfgov.org at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. Late requests will be honored if possible.

    Lobbyist Ordinance

    Lobbyist Ordinance

    Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local policy or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code sections 2.100-2.160) to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102, telephone 415/252- 3100, fax 415/252-3112 and website: www.sfgov.org/ethics.

    Regulations in Chinese

    Regulations in Chinese

    如對會議有任何疑問,請致電 628-652-6035 查詢。當會議進行時,嚴禁使用手機及任何發聲電子裝置。會 議主席可以命令任何使用手機或其他發出聲音装置的人等離開會議塲所。


    政府的職責是為公眾服務,並在具透明度的情況下作出決策。市及縣政府的委員會,市參事會,議會和其 他機構的存在是為處理民眾的事務。本政策保證一切政務討論都在民眾面前進行,而市政府的運作也公開 讓民眾審查。如果你需要知道你在陽光政策 (San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 67) 下擁有的權利, 或是需要舉報違反本條例的情況,請聯絡:


    陽光政策 專責小組行政官 地址:

    City Hall – Room 244

    1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

    San Francisco, CA 94102-4683

    電話號碼: 415-554-7724 ; 傳真號碼 415- 554-5163

    電子郵箱: SOTF@sfgov.org


     陽光政策的文件可以通過陽光政策專責小組秘書、三藩市公共圖書館、以及市政府網頁www.sfgov.org等途 徑索取。民眾也可以到網頁http://www.sfbos.org/sunshine閱覽有關的解釋文件,或根據以上提供的地址和電 話向委員會秘書索取。



    根據語言服務條例(三藩市行政法典第91章),中文、西班牙語和/或菲律賓語(泰加洛語)傳譯人員在收到 要求後將會提供傳譯服務。翻譯版本的會議記錄可在委員會通過後透過要求而提供。其他語言協助在可能 的情況下也將可提供。上述的要求,請於會議前最少48小時致電628-652-6035或電郵至 may.k.liang@sfgov.org 向委員會秘書May Liang 提出。逾期提出的請求,若可能的話,亦會被考慮接納。



    依據「三藩市遊說者法令」 (SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code 2.100) 能影響或欲影響本地立法 或行政的人士或團體可能需要註冊,並報告其遊說行為。如需更多有關遊說者法令的資訊,請聯絡位於 Van Ness 街25號 220室的三藩市道德委員會,電話號碼:415- 252-3100, 傳真號碼 415-252-3112, 網址: sfgov.org/ethics。

    Regulations in Spanish

    Regulations in Spanish

    Para preguntas acerca de la reunión, por favor contactar el 628-652-6035. El timbrado de y el uso de teléfonos celulares, localizadores de personas, y artículos electrónicos que producen sonidos similares, están prohibidos en esta reunión. Por favor tome en cuenta que el Presidente podría ordenar el retiro de la sala de la reunión a cualquier persona(s) responsable del timbrado o el uso de un teléfono celular, localizador de personas, u otros artículos electrónicos que producen sonidos similares.



    El deber del Gobierno es servir al público, alcanzando sus decisiones a completa vista del público. Comisiones, juntas, concilios, y otras agencias de la Ciudad y Condado, existen para conducir negocios de la gente. Esta ordenanza asegura que las deliberaciones se lleven a cabo ante la gente y que las operaciones de la ciudad estén abiertas para revisión de la gente. Para obtener información sobre sus derechos bajo la Ordenanza Sunshine (capitulo 67 del Código Administrativo de San Francisco) o para reportar una violación de la ordenanza, por favor póngase en contacto con:

    Administrador del Grupo de Trabajo de la Ordenanza Sunshine (Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Administrator) City Hall – Room 244

    1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

    San Francisco, CA 94102-4683

    415-554-7724 (Oficina); 415-554-5163 (Fax);

    Correo electrónico: SOTF@sfgov.org


    Copias de la Ordenanza Sunshine pueden ser obtenidas del Secretario del grupo de Trabajo de la Ordenanza Sunshine, la Biblioteca Pública de San Francisco y en la página web del internet de la ciudad en www.sfgov.org. Copias de documentos explicativos están disponibles al público por Internet en http://www.sfbos.org/sunshine; o, pidiéndolas al Secretario de la Comisión en la dirección o número telefónico mencionados arriba.



    De acuerdo con la Ordenanza de Acceso a Idiomas “Language Access Ordinance” (Capítulo 91 del Código Administrativo de San Francisco “Chapter 91 of the San Francisco Administrative Code”) intérpretes de chino, español y/o filipino (tagalo) estarán disponibles de ser requeridos. Las minutas podrán ser traducidas, de ser requeridas, luego de ser aprobadas por la Comisión. La asistencia en idiomas adicionales se tomará en cuenta siempre que sea posible. Para solicitar asistencia con estos servicios favor comunicarse con el Secretario de la Comisión May Liang al 628-652-6035, o may.k.liang@sfgov.org por lo menos 48 horas antes de la reunión. Las solicitudes tardías serán consideradas de ser posible.



    Individuos y entidades que influencian o intentan influenciar legislación local o acciones administrativas podrían ser requeridos por la Ordenanza de Cabildeo de San Francisco (SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code 2.100) a registrarse y a reportar actividades de cabildeo. Para más información acerca de la Ordenanza de Cabildeo, por favor contactar la Comisión de Ética: 25 de la avenida Van Ness , Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102, 415-252-3100, FAX 415-252-3112, sitio web: sfgov.org/ethics.

    Regulations in Filipino/Tagalog

    Regulations in Filipino/Tagalog

    Kung mayroon kayong mga tanong tungkol sa miting, mangyaring tumawag lang sa 628-652-6035. Ang pagtunog at paggammit ng mga cell phone, mga pager at kagamitang may tunog ay ipinagbabawal sa pulong. Paalala po na maaring palabasin ng Tagapangulo ang sinumang may-ari o responsible sa ingay o tunog na mula sa cell-phone, pager o iba pang gamit na lumilikha ng tunog o ingay.



    Tungkulin ng Pamahalaan na paglinkuran ang publiko, maabot ito sa patas at medaling maunawaan na paraan. Ang mga komisyon, board, kapulungan at iba pang mga ahensya ng Lungsod at County ay mananatili upang maglingkod sa pamayanan.Tinitiyak ng ordinansa na ang desisyon o pagpapasya ay ginagawa kasama ng mamamayan at ang mga gawaing panglungsod na napagkaisahan ay bukas sa pagsusuri ng publiko. Para sa impormasyon ukol sa inyong karapatan sa ilalim ng Sunshine Ordinance ( Kapitulo 67 sa San Francisco Administrative Code) o para mag report sa paglabag sa ordinansa, mangyaring tumawag sa Administrador ng Sunshine Ordinance Task Force .


    City Hall – Room 244

    1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

    San Francisco, CA 94102-4683

    415-554-7724 (Opisina); 415-554-7854 (Fax)

    E-mail: SOTF@sfgov.org


    Ang mga kopya ng Sunshine Ordinance ay makukuha sa Clerk ng Sunshine Task Force, sa pampublikong aklatan ng San Francisco at sa website ng Lungsod sa www.sfgov.org. Mga kopya at mga dokumentong na nagpapaliwanag sa Ordinance ay makukuha online sa http://www.sfbos.org/sunshine o sa kahilingan sa Commission Secretary, sa address sa itaas o sa numero ng telepono.



    Ayon sa Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 ng San Francisco Administrative Code), maaaring mag-request ng mga tagapagsalin sa wikang Tsino, Espanyol, at/o Filipino (Tagalog). Kapag hiniling, ang mga kaganapan ng miting ay maaring isalin sa ibang wika matapos ito ay aprobahan ng komisyon. Maari din magkaroon ng tulong sa ibang wika. Sa mga ganitong uri ng kahilingan, mangyaring tumawag sa Clerk ng Commission May Liang sa 628-652-6035, o may.k.liang@sfgov.org sa hindi bababa sa 48 oras bago mag miting. Kung maari, ang mga late na hiling ay posibleng pagbibigyan.



    Ayon sa San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code 2.100], ang mga indibidwal o mga entity na nag iimpluensiya o sumusubok na mag impluensiya sa mga lokal na pambatasan o administrative na aksyon ay maaring kailangan mag register o mag report ng aktibidad ng lobbying. Para sa karagdagan na impormasyon tungkol sa Lobbyist Ordinance, mangyaring tumawag sa San Francisco Ethics Commission at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102, (415) 252-3100, FAX (415) 252-3112, website: sfgov.org/ethics

    Last updated January 9, 2025