January 24, 2022 Bicycle Advisory Committee

Monday, January 24, 2022

In this page:


    1. Roll Call – Determination of Quorum
    2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
    3. Approve Minutes – Monday, December 6, 2021
    4. Public Comment (Discussion Item)

      The public may address the Committee on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee. This should not relate to any item on this agenda since the Committee will take public comment after it discusses and/or before voting on each agenda item. The Committee requests that each person limit him/herself to three minutes

    5. Committee Reports & Administrative Business (Information)

      a)  Chairman's Report 

      b)  District Committee Member Reports

    6. Governmental/Organizational/Committee Reports (Discussion Item)

      a)  MTA Bicycle Program Report – Maia Moran (Absent)

      b)  SF Bicycle Coalition – ​​​​​​​Rachel Clyde

      c)  SFPD Traffic Division – Leut. Luke Martin

      d)  Public Works - Open

      e)  BART Bicycle Advisory Task Force –Rick Goldman, Jeremiah Maller, and/or Allison Quach

      f)  Bay Wheels – Neal Patel (No Report)

    7. Golden Gate Park Access & Safety Program

      (Presentation/discussion) Christopher Kidd & Dan Mauer – The MTA will make a presentation on the Active Communities Plan as a preface to executing their grant agreement with Caltrans this month, leading to executing a contract with a consultant in April/May (allowing consultants & sub-grantees to start work). SFMTA staff work on the plan will be mostly preparatory/background work until they launch with their consultant in the Spring. 

    8. Adjournment

    Date & Time

    Monday, January 24, 2022
    6:30 pm to 8:00 pm


    Last updated April 4, 2022