Data & Evidence Subcommittee

Meeting details

Date and time


How to participate


Meeting ID: 815 2675 9990 Phone: +1 (669) 444 9171 AGENDA 1. Call to Order / Roll Call – 1 minute 2. Approval of January Meeting Minutes – 2 minutes [discussion and action] 3. Review and Consider Agenda – 1 minutes [discussion and action] 4. General Public Comment- 10 minutes [discussion] 5. Housekeeping – 5 minutes [discussion and possible action] 6. Discussion on SDDT Data 20 minutes [discussion and possible action] a. SDDT Data Report Format b. Beverage Pricing Data 7. Review of SDDT FY 22-23 Evaluation Report Recommendations 20 minutes [discussion and possible action] 8. Data & Evidence Subcommittee Section of Annual Report 20 minutes [discussion and possible action] 9. Review of SDDTAC FY 24-25 and FY 25-26 Budget Recommendations 15 minutes[discussion and possible action] 10. Data Point Sharing – 5 minutes [discussion and possible action] 11. Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting – 2 minutes [discussion and possible action] 12. Announcements – 2 minutes 13. Adjournment

Meeting resources

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