Meeting ID: 862 8061 2129
Join Via Phone: +1-669-9006833
1. Call to Order / Roll Call – 5 minutes
a. Approval of Excused Absences [Action]
2. Land Acknowledgement – 1 minute
3. Approval of Minutes for Previous (June) Meeting [Action] – 2 minutes
4. Review and Consideration of Regular Agenda [Action] – 2 minutes
5. General Public Comment – 10 minutes
6. DPH Staff Report [Discussion and Possible Action] 20 minutes
a. Aliah Think Tool Overview/Process
b. Finalized SDDT FY 22-23 and FY 23-24 Budget
c. SDDTAC membership updates
7. SDDT Grantee Presentation [Discussion and Possible Action] 20 minutes
a. ParksRx – Lyslynn Lacoste (BMAGIC) and Chandna Agarwal (3rd St. Youth Center & Clinic)
8. BREAK - 5 minutes
9. SDDT Evaluation Plan FY 22-23 Raimi & Associates [Discussion and Possible Action] 20 minutes
10. Strategy Brainstorm – Mayor’s Annual Budget Recommendations [Discussion and Possible Action] 20 minutes
11. Community Check In [Discussion and Possible Action] – 5 minutes
12. Subcommittee Updates [Discussion and Possible Action] – 10 minutes
a. Co-Chair Update
b. Infrastructure Update
c. Community Input Update
d. Data and Evidence Update
13. Committee Member Proposed Future Agenda Items [Discussion and Possible Action] – 5 minutes
14. Announcements [Discussion and Possible Action] – 5 minutes
15. Adjournment [Action]
Date & Time
5:00 pm