March 5, 2024 Presidential Primary Election frequently asked questions

1. How can I check my party preference?

Log into the Voter Portal or call the Department of Elections at 415-554-4375.

2. Can I choose any political party preference?

Yes, you can choose from the six qualified political parties ─ American Independent, Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Peace and Freedom, and Republican ─ on the registration form. These parties are holding their presidential primaries on March 5, 2024.

3. Can I change my party preference to vote for a different presidential candidate?

Yes. To do so, you will need to re-register to vote with a new party.

  • Until February 20, you can register to vote online or fill out a registration form.
  • Up to Election Day, March 5, you can change your party preference in person at the City Hall Voting Center.
  • On Election Day, you can change your party preference at your polling place.

4. If I have no party preference, can I vote for presidential candidates?

Yes. Your default ballot will have no presidential contest. However, you can request a ballot of one of the three parties that allow voters with no party preference to participate in their presidential primaries.

To request a ballot with the presidential candidates of the American Independent, Democratic, or Libertarian parties, take any of these actions:

  1. Submit your ballot request using the Voter Portal or by calling (415) 554-4375, or
  2. Text “START” to (415) 941-5495 followed by your name, date of birth, address, and ballot request, or
  3. Submit a ballot request form
    • via mail or in person to the Department of Elections, 1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Pl., STE 48, SF, CA 94102, or
    • via fax to (415) 554-7344, or
    • as a scanned email attachment to, or
  4. Access your ballot via the accessible vote-by-mail system, or 
  5. Request your ballot in person at the City Hall Voting Center or at your polling place on Election Day.

To vote for presidential candidates of the Green, Peace and Freedom, or Republican parties, you must re-register with that party.

5. What is a county central committee/county council?

County Central Committees generally conduct party fund-raising and related activities. To vote for a party’s County Central Committee members, you must be registered to vote with a preference for that party.

6. Where can I find more information about the upcoming election?

Contact the Department of Elections at (415) 554-4375. You can also visit 


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Department of Elections

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 48
San Francisco, CA 94102



Fax: 415-554-7344

TTY: 415-554-4386

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Filipino: 415-554-4310

Last updated November 17, 2023