Whistleblower report status

Learn how to check your whistleblower report status and what it means.

Check your report status

Whistleblower reports are confidential. You won't get notifications about your report or the investigation process.

For general updates, check your report status using your complaint tracking number.

  • Use your tracking number to check your report status here for reports filed before
    July 1, 2024.
  • Use your tracking number to check your report status here for reports filed on or
    after July 1, 2024.

What your report status means

New report/Submitted

We've received your report, but haven't started an investigation.

Under investigation

We are investigating your report or have referred it to another department for investigation.

Manager review

The investigator has completed the investigation. Your report is under final review before we close it.


We have completed the investigation of your report.

Last updated July 10, 2024
