TGNCI legal services

Get legal help for transgender, gender non-conforming & intersex (TGNCI) youth and adults in San Francisco.

Bay Area Legal Aid

Provides quality legal assistance, including help for trans people seeking gender-affirming care.

Specific services include legal advice, counsel, and representation.

  • Serves: Low-income community members


Getting Out & Staying Out

Guide to San Francisco resources for people leaving jails and prisons. Includes guide to services for cis and trans women.

  • Serves: Individuals returning to San Francisco after incarceration
  • Additional Languages: Many listed organizations support Spanish speakers


LGBT Asylum Project

The LGBT Asylum Project provides support to immigrants in the San Francisco Asylum Office jurisdiction (from Bakersfield, CA to Seattle, WA), identify as LGBTQ+, and have been persecuted or have fears of future persecution if they return to their home country.

Specific services include legal advice, counsel, and representation.

  • Serves: LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers


Oasis Legal Services

Oasis has over 35 years of combined professional experience in immigration legal services for the LGBTQIA+ community and they have helped over 700 LGBTQIA+ immigrants obtain asylum in the United States. Email or call for an appointment. 

Specific services include screening for immigration relief, affirmative asylum, residency, citizenship, and family petitions.

  • Serves: LGBTQIA+ immigrants
  • Additional languages: Spanish


National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)

NCLR is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, legislation, and education.

Specific projects and legal issue areas include asylum and immigration, family and relationships, employment, federal and state legislation and policy, hate crimes, and transgender law.

  • Serves: LGBTQ individuals


San Francisco Immigrant Support

Comprehensive directory of non-profit community legal resources for immigrants in San Francisco.

Specific services provided include legal support.

  • Serves: Immigrants in San Francisco


TGI Justice Project

TGI Justice Project is a group of transgender, gender variant, and intersex people – inside and outside of prisons, jails, and detention centers – creating a united family in the struggle for survival and freedom.

Specific services include Trans Liberation Tuesday Mail Night, visitation teams, grassroots re-entry program, Stiletto newsletter, and advocate organizing.

  • Serves: Low-income transgender women of color and families who are in prison, formerly incarcerated, or targeted by the police


Transgender Law Center (TLC)

TLC is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.

Specific services include legal name and gender change support, legal referrals, legal information.

  • Serves: All transgender and gender nonconforming people
  • Additional languages: Spanish