Proposition B: Community Health and Medical Facilities, Street Safety, Public Spaces, and Shelter to Reduce Homelessness Bond

This measure requires 66.66% affirmative votes to pass, unless State Prop 5 passes, then 55%

Ballot Simplification Committee digest (PDF)

Legislative digest (PDF)

Legal text (PDF)

Controller analysis (PDF)

Proponent argument author(s): Mayor London Breed

Proponent argument author(s) contact information: None submitted

Proponent argument (PDF)

Proponent's rebuttal to opponent's argument (PDF)

Paid argument(s) in favor (PDF)

Opponent argument author(s): The Briones Society 

Opponent argument author(s) contact information: None submitted

Opponent argument (PDF)

Opponent's rebuttal to proponent's argument (PDF)

Paid arguments against (PDF)

Last updated August 22, 2024