Previous years income limits and rent limits for inclusionary rental units
View previous years income limits and rent limits for inclusionary rental units.
View current year Area Median Income (AMI) levels for inclusionary rental units.
2023 limits effective May 31, 2023
2022 limits effective May 11, 2022
2021 limits effective May 12, 2021
2020 limits effective May 4, 2020
2019 limits effective May 3, 2019
2018 limits effective April 1, 2018
2018 SF MOHCD Inclusionary Income Limits (AMI Chart)
2018 SF Inclusionary Maximum Monthly Rent by Unit Type
2017 limits effective April 14, 2017
Maximum Income by Household Size 2017 (PDF)
Maximum Monthly Rent By Unit Type 2017 (PDF)
- Each BMR unit will have a specific maximum qualifying level income and rent level. Please review the posting for each available unit.
- Current renters should consult their rental manager to confirm the income level of their BMR unit before reviewing these charts.
- Current BMR renters at 418-20 Jessie Street ("6 Mint Plaza") and 1188 Market Street ("Trinity Place Apartments") should use income and rent levels on the above charts at 55% of median income. This percentage is a translation from the former "SF-Only" income and rent charts.
- Interested applicants can view information on the BMR rental program
2016 limits effective March 28, 2016
Maximum Income by Household Size 2016 (PDF)
Maximum Monthly Rent By Unit Type 2016 (PDF)
Notice of Income Table Clarification for the Residential Inclusionary Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program Effective May 25, 2010 (PDF)
- Each BMR unit will have a specific maximum qualifying level income and rent level. Please review the posting for each available unit.
- Current renters should consult their rental manager to confirm the income level of their BMR unit before reviewing these charts.
- Current BMR renters at 418-20 Jessie Street ("6 Mint Plaza") and 1188 Market Street ("Trinity Place Apartments") should use income and rent levels on the above charts at 55% of median income. This percentage is a translation from the former "SF-Only" income and rent charts.
- Interested applicants can view information on the BMR rental program
2015 limits effective March 6, 2015
Maximum Income by Household Size 2015 (PDF)
Maximum Monthly Rent By Unit Type 2015 (PDF)
Notice of Income Table Clarification for the Residential Inclusionary Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program Effective May 25, 2010 (PDF)
- Each BMR unit will have a specific maximum qualifying level income and rent level. Please review the posting for each available unit.
- Current renters should consult their rental manager to confirm the income level of their BMR unit before reviewing these charts.
- Current BMR renters at 418-20 Jessie Street ("6 Mint Plaza") and 1188 Market Street ("Trinity Place Apartments") should use income and rent levels on the above charts at 55% of median income. This percentage is a translation from the former "SF-Only" income and rent charts.
- Interested applicants can view information on the BMR rental program
2014 limits effective January 1, 2014
Maximum Income by Household Size 2014 (PDF)
Maximum Monthly Rent By Unit Type 2014 (PDF)
Notice of Income Table Clarification for the Residential Inclusionary Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program Effective May 25, 2010 (PDF)
- Each BMR unit will have a specific maximum qualifying level income and rent level. Please review the posting for each available unit.
- Current renters should consult their rental manager to confirm the income level of their BMR unit before reviewing these charts.
- Current BMR renters at 418-20 Jessie Street ("6 Mint Plaza") and 1188 Market Street ("Trinity Place Apartments") should use income and rent levels on the above charts at 55% of median income. This percentage is a translation from the former "SF-Only" income and rent charts.
- Interested applicants can view information on the BMR rental program
For reference only: 2013 limits effective January 1, 2013
Maximum Income by Household Size 2013 (PDF)
Maximum Monthly Rent By Unit Type 2013 (PDF)
Notice of Income Table Clarification for the Residential Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program Effective May 25, 2010 (PDF)
- Each BMR unit will have a specific maximum qualifying level income and rent level. Please review the posting for each available unit.
- Current renters should consult their rental manager to confirm the income level of their BMR unit before reviewing these charts.
- Current BMR renters at 418-20 Jessie Street ("6 Mint Plaza") and 1188 Market Street ("Trinity Place Apartments") should use income and rent levels on the above charts at 55% of median income. This percentage is a translation from the former "SF-Only" income and rent charts.
- Interested applicants can view information on the BMR rental program
For reference only: 2012 limits effective January 1, 2012
Maximum Income by Household Size 2012 (PDF)
Maximum Monthly Rent By Unit Type 2012 (PDF) - Please note that BMR rent levels contained in this table will be reduced in the case of unbundled parking. Please review the unbundled parking policy for more information.
- Each BMR unit will have a specific maximum qualifying level income and rent level. Please review the posting for each available unit.
- Current renters should consult their rental manager to confirm the income level of their BMR unit before reviewing these charts.
- Current BMR renters at 418-20 Jessie Street ("6 Mint Plaza") and 1188 Market Street ("Trinity Place Apartments") should use income and rent levels on the above charts at 55% of median income. This percentage is a translation from the former "SF-Only" income and rent charts.
- Interested applicants can view information on the BMR rental program
For reference only: 2011 limits effective June 6, 2011
Maximum Income by Household Size 2011 (PDF)
Maximum Monthly Rent By Unit Type 2011 (PDF)
- Each BMR unit will have a specific maximum qualifying level income and rent level. Please review the posting for each available unit.
- Current renters should consult their rental manager to confirm the income level of their BMR unit before reviewing these charts.
- Current BMR renters at 418-20 Jessie Street ("6 Mint Plaza") and 1188 Market Street ("Trinity Place Apartments") should use income and rent levels on the above charts at 55% of median income. This percentage is a translation from the former "SF-Only" income and rent charts.
- Interested applicants can view information on the BMR rental program