Organizational Capacity Building RFP (2023-03b)

Deadline for Submission (Extended) May 24, 2024 at 5PM

Organizational Capacity Building

Term: 7/1/2024 -6/30/2025

Total Funding Available: $1,000,000


Please see the attached RFP document for more information on the funding opportunity.

How to Apply

  1. Attach all documents to one email for each proposal. Subject Line should state “MOHCD Organizational Capacity Building RFP Final Proposal” and include your agency name.
  2. Send your complete proposal to before 5pm on May 24, 2024. Proposals received after 5pm on the due date will not be considered.
  3. Please send proposals early ensure the ability to address any unforeseen technical difficulties.
  4. Please email immediately if you are experiencing any technical difficulties.

RFP Questions and Responses

Please submit your questions about the RFP in writing to by 5pm on April 22, 2024. We will do our best to post our response to your questions on April 26, 2024 on the MOHCD website below.

Q and A Document (Issued on April 26, 2024)

RFP Timeline

Dates are subject to change

RFP Issued
April 15, 2024

MOHCD Pre-Submission Workshop (Click the link to register and receive Zoom info)
April 18, 2024 at 9AM

Deadline for Questions
April 22, 2024 at 5PM 

Response to Questions Posted on MOHCD Website
April 26 2024

Deadline for Submission (Extended)
May 24, 2024 at 5PM

Intent to Award Letters Sent
June 2024

Contract Term Begins
July 1, 2024

Last updated May 16, 2024