Housing Problem Solving

An area of the Homelessness Response System helping people solve their housing crisis with one-time flexible financial assistance and support.

What is Housing Problem Solving

Housing problem solving includes interventions to divert or rapidly exit people from homelessness. It helps people find ways to resolve their housing crisis without the need of ongoing shelter or a housing resource from the Homelessness Response System.

The foundation of problem solving is a creative, strengths-based conversation that helps people explore all safe housing options available to them. The person or household drives their own solutions.

A resolution happens when a household finds a safe, indoor solution to their housing crisis outside of the Homelessness Response System. 

Eligibility for Problem Solving Interventions

San Francisco households who meet the following criteria:

  • Experiencing homelessness
  • Have an annual household income no higher than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI)

See HSH’s definition of homelessness


Housing Problem Solving interventions include:

  • Problem solving conversations: help identify real-time solutions to a housing crisis
  • Housing location assistance: helps households with income but without an immediate housing plan locate a place to rent
    • Includes shared housing placements to increase exits to housing
  • Relocation support outside San Francisco: travel and relocation assistance that results in a housing connection/safe housing plan in another community
  • Reunification, mediation, and conflict resolution: helps households stay in a current or recent housing situation or new housing situation with mediation support
  • Financial assistance: Flexible financial resources to cover specific costs that will assist households to stay in a safe, indoor place outside the Homelessness Response System.
  • Referrals and links to a range of community services

Problem solving is offered at Access Points, and family shelters.

Housing Problem Solving Data

Last updated October 9, 2024