Intensive Services Division

Our division provides intensive supervision to individuals who committed sex crimes as well as individuals sentenced to state prison for less serious offenses. Our primary goal is to ensure our clients complete probation successfully and exit the justice system.

Post-Release Community Supervision (PRCS)

Under AB 109, individuals who were committed to state prison for certain felonies (nonviolent, non-serious and non-sexual) will be released to Post-Release Community Supervision (PRCS) per California Penal Code section 3451.

For Sex Offenders

The Sex Offender Unit provides supervision for individuals who have committed sex crimes. Our primary focus is to provide adequate supervision and treatment to reduce the risk of re-offending. Many clients receive treatment under the Containment Model, a collaborative approach to supervision, which centers three key elements:

  • Specialized supervision and treatment
  • Collaborative teamwork
  • Preventing future victimization

We coordinate and collaborate with different agencies to promote public safety and the successful re-integration of our clients in the community.


Under Realignment, the 1170(h)(5)(b) Unit provides supervision to individuals sentenced to prison under a “split sentence,” which involves a portion of time served in the county jail and the remainder of time served in the community supervised by a probation officer.

You may contact the Adult Probation Department for more information on the Intensive Services Division. We provide supportive services such as housing, employment, education, substance abuse treatment, outpatient behavioral treatment, and case management services. We will work with you to make your return to San Francisco a safe and successful one.

Victim Restitution Unit

The Victim Restitution Unit was recently featured by Chief Probation Officers of California - CPOC.

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