Get proof you can operate a cannabis business at your location

Cannabis business applicants must have permission to operate a cannabis business at their chosen location.

Upload your proof when you apply for your cannabis business permit. Required documents vary if you currently rent or own your location, or will rent or own in the future.

Currently rent

Upload either:

  • Copy of your lease that contains authorization from your landlord for your intended cannabis activities.
  • Letter from your landlord that gives explicit authorization for your intended cannabis activities.

For example, if you will be applying as a cultivator, your landlord must give you authorization to grow cannabis at that address.

You also need the landowner’s legal name, phone number, email, and mailing address.

Will rent

Upload a letter from your future landlord that gives explicit authorization for your intended cannabis activities.

For example, if you will be applying as a cultivator, your future landlord must give you authorization to grow cannabis at that address.

You also need the landowner’s legal name, phone number, email, and mailing address.

Currently own

Upload a copy of your deed.

Will own

Upload a signed letter from the current owner that says you intend to buy the property. 

You also need the landowner’s legal name, phone number, email, and mailing address.

Last updated May 19, 2022
