Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

New Hires

New Hire Resources
  1. Question: Where can I find a list of resources for newly hired employees? 

Answer: Please use the link below to find a list of resources for new hires:

  1. Question: Where can I find my union's Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) or Labor Agreement?

Answer: Please use the link below to find a list of MOUs and Labor Agreements:


  1. Question: How do I resign from DPH? 

Answer: Please send an email with a specific last day of work to your supervisor/manager and CC the HR Offboarding Team at and the HR Office of Experience & Culture Team at  

  1. Question: Who do I contact regarding retirement and how do I retire from DPH?  

Answer: When you are ready to retire, you can initiate the process by visiting SFERS:

You can also learn about various retirement healthcare benefits and what to do here:

  1. Question: When will I get my final paycheck? 

Answer: Please contact your assigned Payroll specialist if you have questions about your final paycheck. 

For more info on who to contact in Payroll, please visit the Payroll SharePoint page.  

  1. Question: What happens to my benefits? 

Answer: For questions regarding the impact on health benefits employees should contact the Health Service System at 415-554-1750. 

Healthcare - If you had healthcare coverage under CCSF, you will be notified of your right to elect temporary coverage under COBRA. For more information, please visit:

San Francisco Employees Retirement System (SFERS) - If you leave employment with CCSF before you are eligible for retirement, you may choose to vest, reciprocate or refund your contributions depending on your years of service and who your new employer is. Please visit for more information. 

  1. Question: If I have work equipment (ID badge, pager, etc.), who do I submit them to? 

Answer: Please submit them to your supervisor/manager on your last day. 

  1. Question: When will my separation be processed? 

Answer: Typically it takes 1-2 pay periods from your separation date for your separation to be processed. 

  1. Question: Am I able to re-apply to DPH and if so, do I need to wait for a certain amount of time to pass before I re-apply? 

Answer: If you resign from a PCS position with satisfactory services, you may request to return to your former class within four years following your resignation without going through an examination process. Read this Civil Service Adviser for more information regarding reappointments. 

  1. Question: I’m a manager/supervisor. Are there any steps I need to complete when an employee that I supervise resigns? 


  1. Contact IT to deactivate all IT related systems access by emailing   

  2. Collect all employee IDs (DPH, DSW, Division if applicable), and return it to HR Operations @ the address of your respective HR operations team (email if unsure).  

  3. Collect all DPH owned items (keys, phones, laptops, etc.) and complete the offboarding checklist and send the completed checklist to within 5 business days.  

  1. Question: I need help updating my home address, who should I contact?

Answer: Please login to and click on the "My Information" tab to update your home address. Additionally, please email to ensure your records are updated accordingly.

Office of Experience & Culture

Exit Interviews
  1. Question: Who is eligible to go through an exit interview? 

Answer: Every separating employee will be given the opportunity for an exit interview prior to leaving Department of Public Health, this will also include DPH employees who transfer from one DPH unit/division to another DPH unit/division. 

  1. Question: Who do I reach out to for an exit interview? 

Answer: Please reach out to the Office & Experience & Culture Team through their email to request an exit interview. They will also reach out to you upon receiving your separation report from the Offboarding Team. 

  1. Question: If I don’t want to do an exit interview, is there another way to give feedback? 

Answer: Yes, we kindly ask that you fill out the DPH Experience Survey instead. Your assistance in completing the survey is greatly appreciated. The survey should take between 5-10 minutes to complete. 

  1. Question: Are my responses confidential? 

Answer: Yes, your responses will be confidential or anonymous. Your data is then also aggregated to further anonymize the data. 

  1. Question: How does HR use the responses that I give? 

Answer: The HR Office of Experience gather important insight from staff who are leaving the organization so that we can identify strengths and areas for continuous improvement within our organization. Anonymized data will be presented for the purposes of system and culture improvements. 

  1. Question: What happens if I have a concern/issue that I want to try to resolve that I bring up during my exit interview? Will my name and inquiry still remain confidential? 

Answer: In this scenario, your name and inquiry will only be shared with relevant parties that may need to be involved with helping to resolve the concern/issue. We will make sure to check with you first if you’re comfortable with us sharing specific information with relevant parties who we think would be best suited to help address and resolve the concern/issue. 


Performance Planning and Appraisal Report (PPAR)
  1. Question: Is there any guidance around completing a PPAR?

Answer: Yes, please view the link below for guidance and a list of FAQs regarding PPAR:

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
  1. Question: How do I apply for Public Service Loan Forgiveness? 

Answer: You can use the Department of Education’s PSLF Help Tool to determine whether you work for a qualifying employer for the PSLF program.  It suggests actions you can take to become eligible for PSLF and guides you through the PSLF form and submission process. It’s strongly recommended that you read Become a Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Help Tool Ninja before getting started. 

We also suggest that you take a look at the Student Borrower Protection Center’s guide to navigating PSLF. This page includes helpful short videos walking you through each step, including a program overview, how to identify your student loans for PSLF, consolidating your loans, and certifying your employment.

Please view the SF Gov PSLF Page for more information.

  1. Question: Where can I learn about Ergonomics and also request either an Ergonomic assessment/evaluation or equipment/furniture?

Answer: Please visit the Ergonomics Page to learn more.

Last updated September 23, 2024