May kaugnayan IRC Executive Committee

May 31, 2023 IRC Executive Committee meeting

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

In this page:


    Members of the Commission will attend this meeting in person. Members of the public are invited to observe the meeting in-person or remotely using Webex or by calling the phone number and entering the access code listed in the box on the right side of this webpage. Everyone attending the meeting in person is encouraged to wear a mask throughout the meeting.

    Each member of the public, whether attending remotely or in person, may address the Commission for up to two minutes. Public speakers using consecutive interpretation assistance will be allowed to speak for twice the amount of the time. Members of the public attending the meeting in person will have an opportunity to provide public comment on every item. In addition to in-person public comment, the Commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote public comment on each agenda item. The Commission will hear remote public comment on each item in the order that commenters add themselves to the queue to comment on the item. Because of the 20-minute time limit, it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote public comment. Remote public comment from people who have received an accommodation due to disability will not count toward the 20-minute limit.


    1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment

      This item is to allow the Commission Chair to acknowledge that the Commission is on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula.

    3. General Public Comment

      This item is to allow members of the public to address the Commission on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission and that do not appear on today’s agenda.

    4. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes


      a. Approval of April 26, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

      Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the Immigrant Rights Commission’s April 26, 2023 Executive Commission meeting. Explanatory document:

    5. Discussion/Action Items


      a. Follow-Up Actions from Special Hearing on LGBTQ Immigrants (Commissioner Latt)

      This item allows Commissioner Latt and Executive Committee members to discuss developing recommendations for City officials and/or other follow-up actions from the May 8, 2023 special hearing on LGBTQ immigrants.

      b. Potential Amendments to Language Access Ordinance

      This item allows Director Rivas to provide updates on potential amendments to the Language Access Ordinance and allows the Executive Committee to discuss and take possible action.

      c. Follow-Up Actions from 2023 IRC Retreat

      This item allows the Executive Committee to discuss follow-up actions from the May 17, 2023 IRC Strategic Planning Retreat.

      d. Immigrant Leadership Awards (Commissioners Ricarte and Obregon)

      This item allows the Awards Committee, Executive Committee, and OCEIA staff to discuss plans for the upcoming 2023 Immigrant Leadership Awards.

      e. Proposed Statement on Immigrant Workers at Risk of Losing Visas (Commissioner Chaudhary)

      This item allows the Executive Committee to discuss and take possible action on the revised draft statement submitted by Commissioner Chaudhary on immigrant workers at risk of losing their visas. On February 13, 2023, the Full Commission voted to issue a statement. The Executive Committee provided feedback and suggested edits on the draft statement at its April 26, 2023 meeting. Commissioner Chaudhary has submitted a revised version of the statement.

      f. Proposed Resolution on Immigration Reform (Commissioner Souza)

      This item allows Commissioner Souza to update the Executive Committee on her latest draft of the proposed resolution in support of immigration reform.

      g. Follow-up Actions from IRC Hearing on Immigrant Perspectives on Housing in San Francisco (Commissioner Souza)

      This item allows Commissioner Souza to update the Executive Committee on her latest draft of the report on the IRC’s hearing on housing. During the April 26, 2023 Executive Committee meeting, Director Rivas asked Commissioner Souza to restructure the report so that it begins with the introduction and recommendations, followed by the minutes from the hearing as an addendum.

      h. IRC Summer Meeting Scheduling/Cancellation

      This item allows the Chair to schedule the IRC officer elections for an upcoming Full Commission meeting, and to cancel other Full Commission meetings scheduled for July and/or August.

    6. Staff Reports


      a. Director’s Updates

      Report on OCEIA and IRC activities and announcements. This item allows the Director to provide brief updates on activities and announcements. If the Commission would like a full report, we can place that matter on the agenda for a future meeting.

      b. Resolution on California Domestic Workers Bill SB-686 (Commissioner Souza)

      This item allows OCEIA staff to update the Executive Committee on the resolution written by Commissioner Souza in support of Senate Bill 686, which was issued by the Commission.

    7. Old and New Business


      This item is to allow Commissioners to provide updates on items the Commission has previously discussed, and to introduce new agenda items for future consideration by the Commission.

    8. Adjournment

    Date & Time

    Wednesday, May 31, 2023
    5:30 pm

    IRC Executive Committee

    IRC Executive Committee
    4th Floor Conference Room
    1155 Market Street
    San Francisco, CA 94103
    View location on google maps




    Access code: 2591 470 1046 / Password: 2023

    Last updated May 31, 2023