May kaugnayan IRC Executive Committee

January 25, 2023 IRC Executive Committee meeting

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

In this page:


    As authorized by California Government Code Section 54953(e) and the Mayor’s 45th Supplement to her February 25, 2020 emergency proclamation, this meeting will be held remotely without providing a physical location. Members of the Immigrant Rights Commission will participate and vote by video. Members of the public may observe the meeting and provide public comment online. View instructions for providing public comment below.


    1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment

      This item is to allow the Commission Chair to acknowledge that the Commission is on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula.

    3. General Public Comment

      This item is to allow members of the public to address the Commission on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission and that do not appear on today’s agenda.

    4. Welcoming New Director Jorge Rivas (Chair Kennelly and Vice Chair Paz)

      This item is to allow the Chair and Vice Chair to welcome new OCEIA Director Jorge Rivas, and to allow Director Rivas to make brief remarks.

    5. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes


      a. Approval of November 30, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

      Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the Immigrant Rights Commission’s Executive Committee meeting of November 30, 2022.

      Explanatory document:

    6. Invited Speaker: Angelina Romano, District Coordinator, Refugee and Immigrant Solidarity in Education (RISE-SF), Student and Family Services Division, SFUSD


      a. Update on Newcomer Students at SFUSD

      This item allows Angelina Romano to provide an update on newcomer students at SFUSD and allows the Executive Committee to discuss possible follow-up actions. This is a follow-up item to the letter the Commission sent to SFUSD requesting additional mental health and other resources for newcomer students. The letter was drafted by Commissioner Souza and sent on November 7, 2022.

    7. Discussion/Action Items


      a. Scheduling/Planning of 2023 IRC Retreat and Officer Elections

      Discussion and possible action by Chair Kennelly to begin scheduling and planning for the 2023 IRC Retreat and Officer Elections.

      b. Awards Committee Planning (Commissioner Ricarte)

      This item allows the Chair to appoint co-chairs and members of the Awards Committee, and allows Commissioners to discuss planning for the Immigrant Leadership Awards and scheduling of Awards Committee meetings.

      c. Language Access Committee Planning (Commissioner Souza)

      This item allows the Executive Committee to discuss scheduling a Language Access Committee meeting and/or inviting language access speakers to an upcoming Full Commission meeting.

      d. Planning for Special Hearing on LGBTQ Immigrants (Commissioner Latt)

      This item allows Commissioner Latt and the Executive Committee to discuss and take possible action to plan for a special hearing or other possible actions by the Commission on LGBTQ immigrants.

      e. Follow-Up Actions from Policy Updates at Previous Full Commission Hearing

      This item allows the Executive Committee to discuss follow-up actions related to the policy updates presented by Acting Director Whipple at the January 9, 2021 Full Commission meeting regarding the uncertain future of Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and proposed increases to immigration application fees.

      f. Follow-up Actions from IRC Hearing on Immigrant Perspectives on Housing in San Francisco

      Discussion and possible action to plan follow-up actions on the Commission’s September 12, 2022 hearing on immigrant perspectives on housing in San Francisco. Commissioner Souza volunteered to draft recommendations from the hearing. Explanatory Document: IRC Hearing on Immigrant Perspectives on Housing in San Francisco

      g. Follow-up Actions on Guaranteed Income Program for Immigrants in San Francisco

      Discussion and possible action to plan follow-up actions regarding a guaranteed income program for immigrants in San Francisco. This is a follow-up to the presentation by Chiamaka Ogwuegbu of the Mayor’s Office at the November 14, 2022 Full Commission meeting.


    8. Staff Reports

      Staff Reports


      a. Staff Updates

      Report on OCEIA and IRC activities and announcements. This item allows OCEIA staff to provide brief updates on activities and announcements.  If the Commission would like a full report, we can place that matter on the agenda for a future meeting.

    9. Old and New Business


      This item is to allow Commissioners to provide updates on items the Commission has previously discussed, and to introduce new agenda items for future consideration by the Commission.


    10. Adjournment

    Date & Time

    Wednesday, January 25, 2023
    5:30 pm
    Last updated January 20, 2023