
DreamSF Fellowship information session

Virtual information session to learn more about the DreamSF Fellowship, how to apply, and more.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm


  • Online
Illustration of 5 young people with San Francisco City Hall in the background
“DreamSF Fellowship” by Joselyn De Leon Rodas

Are you interested in applying to the DreamSF Fellowship?

Learn more about the DreamSF Fellowship program, how to apply, and more from current DreamSF fellows at this virtual information session.

Register on Eventbrite and we'll send you the Zoom link prior to the event.


We’re hosting the several DreamSF information sessions. Please see the list below to register for another date:


The DreamSF Fellowship is a paid San Francisco-based leadership and professional development program for immigrant students/aspiring professionals who seek to gain real-world experience with social justice change-makers in the Bay Area.

No experience necessary. Open to all immigrants, regardless of status. Learn more at: dreamsffellows.org/apply