May kaugnayan IRC Executive Committee

June 23, 2021 IRC Executive Committee meeting

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

In this page:


    During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) emergency, the Immigrant Rights Commission’s regular meeting room is closed. The Commission will convene remotely. Members of the public can access the meeting and make public comment online or by phone.


    1. Call to Order and Roll Call

      Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order.

      Present: Chair Kennelly, Commissioner Khojasteh.

      Not present: Vice Chair Paz, Commissioner Rahimi (excused).

      OCEIA staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grants Administrator Chan.

    2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment

      Chair Kennelly read the Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgment statement.

    3. Public Comment

      There was no public comment.

    4. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes


      a. Approval of May 26, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

      This item was deferred due to lack of quorum.

    5. Discussion/Action Items


      a. IRC Awards Follow-Up Actions

      Chair Kennelly, Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore and Operations and Grants Administrator Chan thanked Commissioners, OCEIA staff, and the technical consultant for their work organizing the 2021 Immigrant Leadership Awards. Director Pon will send a final thank you to awardees and the consultant will send the awards video.

      b. Anti-AAPI Hate Special Hearing Follow-Up Actions

      Commissioner Khojasteh drafted a letter and Commission Clerk Shore drafted the minutes and recommendations from the hearing. Director Pon can edit the letter and suggested replacing or adding to it with a one-page fact sheet describing why the Commission held the hearing, its recommendations, links to the minutes and community organizations, and contact numbers for assistance. Commissioner Khojasteh asked about a follow-up hearing. Director Pon testified at the Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety hearing on the matter and can follow up.

      c. Language Access Special Hearings Follow-Up Actions

      The language access community survey is available in multiple languages and Commissioners are encouraged to share it with their networks. Director Pon will share the survey with the Board of Supervisors. Chair Kennelly will check with Commissioner Monge about the timeline of the Board’s next steps and Director Pon will check with the Language Access Network about the community assessment.

    6. Staff Reports (Director Pon)


      a. Director’s Updates

      Director Pon announced that Chloe Noonan will join OCEIA as its new policy and civic engagement officer, focusing on redistricting and language access policy changes.

      b. Reappointment of Commissioners

      Director Pon will contact Commissioners who are up for reappointment by the Board.

    7. Old Business

      There was no old business.

    8. New Business

      Chair Kennelly canceled the July 12, 2021 Full Commission meeting and asked Commission Clerk Shore to notify Commissioners.

    9. Adjournment

      Chair Kennelly thanked OCEIA staff and adjourned the meeting at 6:31 p.m.

    Date & Time

    Wednesday, June 23, 2021
    5:30 pm




    Access code: 146 641 3172

    Last updated May 19, 2022