May kaugnayan IRC Executive Committee

August 25, 2021 IRC Executive Committee meeting

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

In this page:


    During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) emergency, the Immigrant Rights Commission’s regular meeting room is closed. The Commission will convene remotely. Members of the public can access the meeting and make public comment online or by phone.


    1. Call to order and roll call

      Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m.

      Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Khojasteh, Rahimi and Souza.

      OCEIA staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Operation and Grants Administrator Chan, Deputy Director Whipple.

    2. Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgment

      Chair Kennelly read the land acknowledgment statement.

    3. Public comment

      There was no public comment.

    4. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes


      a. Approval of July 28, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

      Commissioner Rahimi motioned to approve the July 28, 2021 Executive Committee meeting minutes. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

    5. Discussion / action items


      a. Anti-AAPI Hate Special Hearing Follow-Up Actions

      Chair Kennelly suggested adding a reference in the letter to the Commission’s forthcoming recommendations on language access. Commissioner Khojasteh motioned to authorize OCEIA staff to add the reference. Commissioner Rahimi seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. OCEIA staff will edit the letter and share it with the Executive Committee before sending it to City departments.

      Director Pon discussed the We Are More art campaign to promote understanding and highlight the positive contributions of immigrant communities. OCEIA does not currently have the budget to fund the full campaign. Commissioner Souza suggested partnering with the Small Business Department.

      b. Language Access Special Hearings Follow-Up Actions

      Chair Kennelly thanked Commissioner Monge for his leadership and appointed Commissioner Souza as chair of the Language Access Committee. Commissioner Souza asked Director Pon for information about what the Commission and OCEIA have accomplished to date. Director Pon will meet with Commissioner Souza to provide her with an overview.

      Director Pon asked Commissioners to help share the language access community survey with community members. The survey deadline has been extended to mid-September. OCEIA staff provided an overview of survey responses by language and Commissioners discussed outreach. OCEIA staff will resend Commissioners the links to the survey in multiple languages and Commissioners will share with their networks.

    6. Staff reports (Director Pon)


      a. Director’s Updates

      OCEIA will host an appointment-based citizenship workshop at City College’s Ocean campus on August 28, 2021. Director Pon discussed OCEIA’s Community Ambassadors Program and other ambassador programs that are launching in San Francisco.

      b. Reappointment of Commissioners

      Director Pon reminded Commissioners to submit their paperwork for reappointment and noted that the Commission now has one vacant seat. She invited Commissioners to join her on the Office of the City Administrator’s (ADM) Racial Equity Committee, which is currently working on implementation of the racial equity plan. She also suggested that the Executive Committee begin planning the Commission’s annual retreat.

    7. Old business

      Chair Kennelly asked about follow-up actions from the DACA presentation during the August 9, 2021 Full Commission meeting. Commission Clerk Shore provided an update on the DACA decision, upcoming rule, and budget reconciliation. Director Pon stated that OCEIA has shared a sign-on letter with the Mayor’s Office in support of a pathway to citizenship through budget reconciliation. Vice Chair Paz suggested a regional mayoral press conference or statement. Chair Kennelly and Vice Chair Paz will follow up with the Mayor’s Office.

    8. New business

      Director Pon invited Commissioners to join Mayor Breed and City Administrator Carmen Chu for the W Challenge at City Hall on August 26, 2021, Women’s Equality Day.

    9. Adjournment

      Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:11 p.m.

    Date & Time

    Wednesday, August 25, 2021
    5:30 pm




    Access code: 123 359 7043

    Last updated May 19, 2022