Housing for All Initial Departmental Improvement Plans

All City departments must submit a Housing Delivery Performance Assessment and Improvement Plan by May 1, 2023.

Initial Departmental Improvement Plans

The Housing for All Executive Directive charges all City Departments with the responsibility for achieving the goals and actions set forth in San Francisco’s Housing Element. As part of that effort, Departments were required to submit a Housing Delivery Performance Assessment and Improvement Plan to the Mayor by May 1, 2023. The goal of these plans is to remove barriers to housing by clearly describing their current performance and outlining process improvements to streamline housing approvals and permits.

All fourteen housing delivery and permitting departments named in Housing for All responded by May 1 with their initial Housing Delivery Performance Assessment and Improvement Plans, linked below. These plans will continue to be refined in the coming months as One City: A Housing for All Action Plan is implemented.

Última actualización June 30, 2023
