Qué debe hacer
TechSF aims to close the tech sector skills gap by tapping new talent pipelines for the industry. We offer the following:
TechSF Apprenticeship
Through the TechSF Apprenticeship, your business can offer apprenticeship opportunities to new tech talent.
Our program offers many benefits to both businesses and apprentices:
- Professional growth and employee retention - over 95% of TechSF Apprentices have become full time employees.
- Access to pre-screened, trained candidates
- Access to diverse candidates
- Quality apprenticeships registered with the US Department of Labor
If you are a San Francisco-based company looking to explore TechSF Apprenticeship, contact:
- Orrian Willis: orrian.willis@sfgov.org
- Carolyn Shek: carolyn.shek@sfgov.org
If you are a company in the surrounding Bay Area looking to explore TechSF Apprenticeship, contact:
- Nadeja Adams: nadeja.adams@sfgov.org
Obtenga ayuda
Última actualización October 3, 2023