DPH Leaves of Absence Get help with leaves of absences, FMLA/CRFA, pregnancy disability, extended time off requests, etc. About: The DPH Leaves of Absence (LoA) department Processes leave of absences for employees (for example, FMLA/CFRA, Pregnancy disability, etc.). For additional information and resources, please visit the SF Department of Human Resources (DHR) LoA page. When should I contact LoA & what types of questions does LoA answer? Please contact LoA if you have questions about the following: Need time off: for reasons beyond planned vacation time due to illness / medical leave of absence or accommodation due to caring/caregiving for a family member for baby bonding / Paid Family Leave for military leave for domestic violence leave for religious leave for educational leave What form do I need to fill out to file for a leave? LoA Contact Info In your email, please include your first name, last name, DSW#, and work location, thank you.dph-leaves@sfdph.org 628-206-7718 Última actualización September 23, 2024