Apply to operate a solid waste facility, site, or operation

Get a permit from the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) to process solid waste at your facility.

Qué debe hacer

All solid waste operations and facilities need to comply with local and state requirements. Learn more about local regulatory requirements in Health Code Article 6.

1. Complete an application

Download and fill out the application.

2. Gather additional documents

Some of these documents are included in the application packet.

3. Submit your application materials

Gather your materials and email them to

4. Pay the fee

Check the fee schedule for the exact amount. Pay the application fee with a credit card or check made out to "San Francisco Department of Public Health".

Department of Public Health

Solid Waste
Permit Center
49 South Van Ness
2nd floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

5. Complete the State permitting process

  1. Determine solid waste operation/facility type to find out your proper tiered regulatory placement
  2. Complete permit process tasks that applies to you. Solid waste facilities require either a full or registration permit to operate and must comply with applicable operating standards. Operations under an enforcement agency notification tier do not require a permit but are still required to meet applicable operating standards.
  3. Learn more about the general State permitting process. Refer to CalRecycle's Permit Toolbox for more information on the process, requirements, and resources.

Refer to the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Directory for questions about the process. Learn more about the State regulatory requirements:

Obtenga ayuda


Última actualización April 18, 2024