Homelessness Oversight Commission

The Homelessness Oversight Commission is the body that oversees the work of the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing.

The Commission meets monthly on the first Thursday of each month at City Hall in room 416.


March Homelessness Oversight Commission Meeting


The Homelessness Oversight Commission was launched in May 2023 after San Francisco voters approved the creation of the Commission through a ballot measure in November 2022. It is the main body that oversees the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing’s work.

Learn more about us


A picture of Commissioner Christin Evans
Vice ChairChristin Evans
A picture of Commissioner Katie Albright
CommissionerKatie Albright
A picture of Commissioner Bevan Dufty.
CommissionerBevan Dufty
A picture of Commissioner Joaquin Guerrero.
CommissionerJoaquin Guerrero
Sharky Laguana
CommissionerSharky LaguanaCEOBandago

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