Zuckerberg SF General Hospital Daily Population

Average number of patients occupying a bed at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital on a daily basis.

Measure description

The Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (ZSFG) average daily population represents the number of admitted patients who are occupying beds in the hospital as of midnight each night when the census is taken. This measure is a demand indicator which provides insight on the demand for services faced by the hospital.

ZSFG is a licensed general acute care hospital and is the only designated Level 1 trauma center for San Francisco and northern San Mateo County. ZSFG is a part of the San Francisco Health Network (SFHN), a comprehensive system of care overseen by the Department of Public Health (DPH). 

Why this Measure is Important

Reporting on this measure provides insight on the demand for hospital services at ZSFG and can be used to track trends over time. Understanding the demand for hospital beds can help inform hospitals to advocate for the appropriate level of staffing, funding, and services to meet the demands of the population seeking services. It offers valuable guidelines for hospital management, planners, and regulators.

The interactive chart below presents the average daily population of beds occupied at ZSFG by month. 

The chart’s legend is below: 

  • Y-axis: ZSFG average daily population 
  • X-Axis: Calendar year

ZSFG Average Daily Population

How Performance is Measured

The number displayed on the scorecard page represents a fiscal year average of the values in the chart above.

The daily average population of patients at ZSFG is the number of inpatients at ZSFG at approximately 12 midnight, when the Average Daily Census is taken. The average daily population measure totals the daily population for a month, divided by the number of days in the month. 

As of October 2024, ZSFG has 317 total budgeted hospital beds. Please note that this number can change due to changes in funding, staffing, or demand. 

Data Notes and Sources

Visit DataSF to access the scorecard data.

Data lag time: One month 


Additional Information

This measure replaces the previous scorecard measure, ZSFG Occupancy Rate. The ZSFG Occupancy Rate scorecard was archived in FY24 but all data and related content through the end of FY24 is available for reference at the archived site.