Pothole response

Damaged pavement can be dangerous for people and goods traveling on San Francisco's roadways. Public Works receives requests for roadway repairs through San Francisco 311, the City's customer service center. The City has a goal of responding to service requests about potholes within 72 hours. The response to a single service request may include inspecting a location and dispatching a crew to fill multiple potholes.

Public Works

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How performance is measured

Public and private graffiti requests are generated mainly through calls received by San Francisco 311.

For graffiti on public property, requests are received by 311 and sent to the Public Works’ “28Clean” system. When a Public Works crew member responds to the request, it is marked as complete in 28Clean. A single service order location may consist of multiple graffiti removal instances. The monthly response percentage is the number of requests responded to within 48 hours divided by the total number of requests received that month.

For graffiti on private property, requests are received by 311 and sent to the Public Works’ “28Clean” system. When a Public Works crew member responds to the requests, the request is marked as complete in 28Clean. Public Works’ response to graffiti on private property requires an inspection and a notification to the property owner to remove the graffiti. Public Works has a goal of inspecting these types of requests within 72 hours. The monthly response percentage is the number of requests inspected within 72 hours divided by the total number of requests received that month.

The number displayed on the scorecard page represents a fiscal year total of the volume of public and private graffiti requests in the chart above.

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