Length of Stay for Youth Released from the Juvenile Justice Center
Part of Juvenile Probation Department Data Portal
Length of stay (LOS) is the number of days a youth stays in the Juvenile Justice Center before being released.
The mean length of stay for youth released from the Juvenile Justice Center in 2023 was 19 days, while the median was 6 days. The yearly mean length of stay has remained stable since 2020. The median length of stay has decreased. These terms are defined in “Data notes & sources” below.
Beginning in 2023, length of stay is now disaggregated by length of stay for detained youth released versus youth released following a commitment (see “By Status” chart).
Length of Stay by Month
Data notes and sources
This line chart compares the mean and median length of stay for youth released from the Juvenile Justice Center by month.
Mean is calculated by adding the number of days each youth was in the Juvenile Justice Center prior to release, and then dividing it by the number of releases for a given time period.
Median is calculated by ordering the number of days each youth was in the Juvenile Justice Center prior to release for a given time period from smallest to largest and selecting the middle number. The median is less affected by very small or large numbers than the mean, and is therefore a better representation of the center value.
Mean Length of Stay by Demographics
Data notes and sources
Mean is calculated by adding the number of days each youth was in the Juvenile Justice Center prior to release, and then dividing it by the number of releases for a given time period.
Demographic groups with sample sizes < 11 youth in a given year are grouped into larger categories (e.g., Other Race, < 15, 18+).
Median Length of Stay by Demographics
Data notes and sources
Median is calculated by ordering the number of days each youth was in the Juvenile Justice Center prior to release for a given time period from smallest to largest and selecting the middle number.
Demographic groups with sample sizes < 11 youth in a given year are grouped into larger categories (e.g., Other Race, < 15, 18+).