Broken glass
Check out the map below to see the percent of evaluations in each neighborhood that had broken glass present. Hover over or click on a specific neighborhood to see the exact details.
Page 1 of the PowerBI dashboard is for desktop users. Page 2 is for mobile users. Both pages contain the same information and your browser will automatically connect to the appropriate page.
Check out the map below to see the percent of evaluations in each neighborhood that had feces present. Hover over or click on a specific neighborhood to see the exact details.
Page 1 of the PowerBI dashboard is for desktop users. Page 2 is for mobile users. Both pages contain the same information and your browser will automatically connect to the appropriate page.
Check out the map below to see percent of evaluations in each neighborhood that had syringes present. Hover over or click on a specific neighborhood to see the exact details.
Page 1 of the PowerBI dashboard is for desktop users. Page 2 is for mobile users. Both pages contain the same information and your browser will automatically connect to the appropriate page.
Find out more
Visit the Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Standards Program home page to find additional reporting and information from 2022 as well as previous years.