In-Home Supportive Services Active Caseload

Number of San Franciscans who have an active IHSS case

Measure Description

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) is a Medi-Cal benefit that provides non-medical assistance to individuals who are aged, blind and/or disabled so that they may remain safely in their homes and avoid unnecessary institutionalization. Services provided through the IHSS program include:

  • housecleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping
  • personal care services (e.g., bathing, bowel and bladder care),
  • accompaniment to medical appointments
  • protective supervision for the mentally impaired.

To be eligible for IHSS, an individual must have Medi-Cal and functional impairment(s) anticipated to be long-lasting. The IHSS Active Caseload workload measure that counts the number of the San Franciscans actively enrolled in the program. 

The San Francisco Human Services Agency administers and tracks IHSS services. 

Why this Measure is Important

Reporting on the IHSS Active Caseload provides the public, elected officials, and City staff with a current snapshot of the demand for San Francisco safety net services. 

The Human Service Agency’s Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS) aims to sustain vulnerable seniors and adults with disabilities at home or in the least restrictive setting. 

The interactive chart below presents the City’s IHSS Active Load. 

The chart’s legend is below: 

  • Y-axis: IHSS Active Caseload
  • X-Axis: Calendar year   


IHSS Active Caseload

How Performance is Measured

The IHSS Active Caseload is calculated using the following methodology:

Count of the individuals with the case status of “Eligible” or "Interim" at the start of the month. 

Once enrolled, most clients tend to remain enrolled and hence the IHSS caseload tends to remain relatively steady. 

The number displayed on the scorecard page represents a fiscal year average of the values in the chart above.

Data Notes and Sources

All IHSS client data is stored and pulled from the Case Management, Information and Payrolling System (CMIPS) II database.

Data lag time: IHSS Active Caseload data are reported with a two-month lag. For example, May’s data will be available in July.  

Visit DataSF to access the scorecard data.

Additional Information

  • View additional detail on caseload and independent care provider characteristics in HSA’s IHSS Six Month Reports.
  • Learn more about IHSS and to see if you qualify to receive or provide in-home supportive services, visit HSA's website

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