COVID-19 deaths
COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco, including new and cumulative totals.
Deaths by month
COVID-19 deaths are shown below. Deaths are shown on the date the individual died.
Data notes and sources
In the fall of 2023, an updated COVID-19 death definition was applied to all COVID-19 deaths reported since 1/1/2023. This new definition uses death certificates as the primary source for identifying COVID-19 deaths. This update aligns with the California Department of Public Health.
It takes time to process these data. Because of this:
monthly death totals for previous months may increase or decrease
Total COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco
The total cumulative number of deaths is the running total. The cumulative total will always increase. The steeper increases show times with more frequent deaths.
Data notes and sources
COVID-19 deaths are shown on the date the individual died.
It takes time to process and validate these data. Because of this:
daily death totals on previous days may increase or decrease
all data update weekly as more information becomes available
More information
Other sources of data and information