In March 2024, the City and County of San Francisco ("City") passed Ordinance Number 55-24 that created an auditing requirement for nonprofits receiving City funding. In November 2024, the Controller’s Office issued policy to define how nonprofits need to comply with the law. Many nonprofits shared that they struggle to find qualified and available auditors to perform their auditing work timely. To support nonprofits seeking auditors, the Controller’s Office developed the directory included here. See below for instructions to nonprofits looking to use the directory.
The Controller’s Office surveyed over 400 accounting firms to develop this list, asking surveyed firms to provide details on their interest and history with conducting nonprofit financial audits. Firms may periodically update their information. See below for instructions to firms seeking to add new details, update existing details, or withdraw from the directory.
Guidance for Nonprofits
Find an Accounting Firm that Meets Your Needs
This tool serves as a resource for nonprofit organizations seeking auditors.
Surveyed firms shared details on:
- The budget size of nonprofits they are interested in working with
- Whether they have prior nonprofit auditing experience
- Their ability to work on-site in San Francisco
- Their ability to perform Single Audits for nonprofits receiving Federal funding
- Additional types of services they provide in addition to auditing
Use the buttons in the first dashboard below to filter for firms that meet your needs. In the second dashboard, you can browse all firms and find complete responses for each firm.
Accounting Firm Identification Dashboard
Review All Firms
Use the Firm Name filter in the dashboard below to find a specific firm or to browse firm details, including:
- Contact information
- Auditing history and years of experience with nonprofit auditing
- Range of costs for past audits
- Specific types of additional services provided
You will only be able to see one firm’s information at a time. Most of the information displayed in the table has not been edited nor validated by the Controller’s Office. The table reflects verbatim the most recent survey responses; firms may not have answered all questions.
Accounting Firm Details Dashboard
Additional Resources for Accounting Firm Identification
The Auditing Firm Directory for Nonprofits is not a comprehensive list of all available accounting firms interested in conducting nonprofit financial audits. Nonprofit organizations are encouraged to do additional research to identify accounting firms best suited for their organization’s needs. Possible resources to identify additional accounting firms include:
Guidance for Accounting Firms
Join the Directory, Update Information, or Remove Listing
Accounting firms interested in adding a new listing of firm details, updating firm information, or removing their firm from the directory should fill out this form.
The Controller’s Office will review responses and make updates to the online directory approximately twice annually. We will notify the person submitting the request as well as any general contacts in the submission by email when your firm’s information has been posted, changed or removed. Your survey responses will be posted verbatim to the directory. The Controller’s Office reserves the right to exclude survey responses if they conflict with City policies and procedures.
Completing the survey does not pre-qualify your firm for any work. There is no guarantee that your firm will receive offers of work from nonprofits based on being included in the directory.
There is no requirement to join the directory. Choosing not to join the directory will not impact your firm’s ability to respond to other opportunities with the City or nonprofits.
For any questions, send us an email at
More Information
- View the Controller's Office Programs, Policies, and Information on Nonprofit Contracting page to learn more about the Controller’s Office’s work on nonprofit policy and oversight.
- Visit the Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building Program to get more information about the Controller's Office's program coordinating nonprofit and contract monitoring and capacity building.
- View the San Francisco Nonprofit Spending and Contracts dashboards for summary data on Citywide spending on nonprofit contractors.
- View an interactive directory of accounting firms interested in conducting nonprofit financial audits. Nonprofit organizations can use this to connect with auditors that meet their needs.
- Explore the Public Information about City Contracts with Nonprofits page for an overview of how to find more information about nonprofit spending, performance, and services.
- Learn more about City policies and legislation related to contracting with nonprofits.