Apply for regulatory oversight for your Maher compliance activities
Get approval of your development project on land that may be contaminated for Maher compliance.
What to know
Apply early
Apply as early as you can to avoid project delays. Comply with the ordinance before you submit your building or grading permit application.
What to do
1. Fill out an application
2. Email your application materials
Email the application to Please let us know in your application if:
- Your project has only been used for residential purposes so we can evaluate a possible waiver
- Environmental cleanup or mitigation is or was overseen under another regulatory program or agency (such as Voluntary Remedial Action Program, Former Local Oversight Program, Regional Board, DTSC, or USEPA)
- You have already met some of your Maher Ordinance requirements by submitting:
- Development plans and elevations showing the areas and depths of excavation (required)
- Any geotechnical reports
- Any previous environmental documents, including
- Site history reports (Phase I ESAs)
- Subsurface investigation reports
Regulatory program correspondence - Environmental restriction documents
If your supporting documents are too large to send over email, please include a file sharing link. You can also ask in your email for us to send you a file sharing link.
3. Pay the application fee
By mail
Submit a check made out to "San Francisco Department of Public Health". Include your project name and address on the check. Address the letter to:
49 South Van Ness Avenue
Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103
In person
Pay the application fee with a credit card or check at the Counter #83 Cashier Clerk on the second floor of the San Francisco Permit Center:
49 South Van Ness Avenue
Counters 82 and 83
San Francisco, CA 94103
Counter #82 - Plan Check
M-F: 9am - 3pm
Counter #83 - Cashier Clerk
M/T/Th/F: 7:30am - 4pm
W: 9am - 4pm
4. Learn about the next steps
Once we process your application and payment, we will give you a Site Mitigation Environmental Health Database (SMED) case number. Your caseworker will reach out to you to
- Guide you through the compliance process
- Perform technical review of submitted documents
- Issue comments or approval letters
- Make sure your project complies with the Health Code Article 22A
You must complete this process before construction can start and before any buildings can be occupied. Learn more about the Maher process.
Get help
Additional info
Email us for guidance
We can help you understand what requirements apply to your project.
Partner agencies
What to know
Apply early
Apply as early as you can to avoid project delays. Comply with the ordinance before you submit your building or grading permit application.
What to do
1. Fill out an application
2. Email your application materials
Email the application to Please let us know in your application if:
- Your project has only been used for residential purposes so we can evaluate a possible waiver
- Environmental cleanup or mitigation is or was overseen under another regulatory program or agency (such as Voluntary Remedial Action Program, Former Local Oversight Program, Regional Board, DTSC, or USEPA)
- You have already met some of your Maher Ordinance requirements by submitting:
- Development plans and elevations showing the areas and depths of excavation (required)
- Any geotechnical reports
- Any previous environmental documents, including
- Site history reports (Phase I ESAs)
- Subsurface investigation reports
Regulatory program correspondence - Environmental restriction documents
If your supporting documents are too large to send over email, please include a file sharing link. You can also ask in your email for us to send you a file sharing link.
3. Pay the application fee
By mail
Submit a check made out to "San Francisco Department of Public Health". Include your project name and address on the check. Address the letter to:
49 South Van Ness Avenue
Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103
In person
Pay the application fee with a credit card or check at the Counter #83 Cashier Clerk on the second floor of the San Francisco Permit Center:
49 South Van Ness Avenue
Counters 82 and 83
San Francisco, CA 94103
Counter #82 - Plan Check
M-F: 9am - 3pm
Counter #83 - Cashier Clerk
M/T/Th/F: 7:30am - 4pm
W: 9am - 4pm
4. Learn about the next steps
Once we process your application and payment, we will give you a Site Mitigation Environmental Health Database (SMED) case number. Your caseworker will reach out to you to
- Guide you through the compliance process
- Perform technical review of submitted documents
- Issue comments or approval letters
- Make sure your project complies with the Health Code Article 22A
You must complete this process before construction can start and before any buildings can be occupied. Learn more about the Maher process.
Get help
Additional info
Email us for guidance
We can help you understand what requirements apply to your project.