00:58:40 shanti singh (she/her): I’m taking care of zoom admits; all good! 01:03:43 Kyra Geithman, MOHCD: Link to presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uaUcKEE-ZB0B14GXs3SA1rDIWok0D4JJ/view?usp=sharing 01:15:20 Kyra Geithman, MOHCD: https://sfgov.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10960119&GUID=A8E68782-C197-417F-AD83-A664272EE6C2 01:19:41 Kyra Geithman, MOHCD: 566 Natoma: est. $3.8M 168 Sickles: est. $6.4M 239 Clayton: $5.5M 01:21:27 Kyra Geithman, MOHCD: Small Sites/Acquisition & Preservation Update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yc9q_nWgwsBzTFBbI_ZEUMGfWkV0Q9om/view?usp=sharing 01:34:39 Kyra Geithman, MOHCD: VOTERS approved PROP I to fund Social Housing: How specifically will the 10 million, 64 million, and this year’s Prop I funds be spent and in what categories? In these categories, what will be the total funds being spent by MOHCD?