District 11
Chyanne Chen
District 11
Supervisor Chyanne Chen
Supervisor Chyanne Chen is an immigrant, mother, and has lived in District 11 for over two decades. She immigrated to the United States from a small village in China at age 15 with her family. Chyanne attended Galileo High School and earned her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Davis. She also obtained a master's degree from Cornell University and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree. She is a mother to two daughters and caregiver to her elderly parents.
- Elected November 05, 2024 for term January 08, 2025 to January 08, 2029
Board and Committee Assignments
- Member, Board of Supervisors
- Vice-Chair, Land Use and Transportation Committee
- Member, San Francisco County Transportation Authority
Contact Info
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 244
(415) 554-6975 - Voice