Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Compliance Unit

We are one of the compliance units within the larger SFDPH Office of Compliance & Privacy Affairs (OCPA). We implement a compliance program across Behavioral Health Services to prevent, detect and remediate non-compliance with healthcare laws and regulations.

Sunflower in Juvenile Hall Garden
SFDPH Office of Compliance & Privacy Affairs (OCPA)

OCPA implements the comprehensive compliance and privacy program across the San Francisco Department of Public Health. This includes a team of Compliance Officers within facilities and key sections, an Investigations team and a Privacy and Training program.

Tungkol sa

The BHS Compliance Unit implements a compliance program as part of the larger San Francisco Department of Public Health Office of Compliance and Privacy Affairs (SFDPH-OCPA) program. 

The Compliance and Privacy Toll-Free Hotline for SFDPH is 855-729-6040 and calls may be made confidentially and anonymously.

Always remember--SFDPH has a strict non-retaliation policy.


Procedures for public records requests

Public records requests may be directed to the Department of Public Health in the following ways: 

Humiling ng mga pampublikong rekord

Submit requests for the Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Compliance Unit.