November 2, 2021 Health Commission Meeting

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

In this page:


    1. Agenda
    2. Resolution Making Findings to Allow Teleconferenced Meeting Under California Government Code Section 54952(e)
    3. October 19, 2021 Minutes
    4. Director's Report
    5. General Public Comment

      PUBLIC COMMENT CALL-IN: 415-655-0003/ Access Code:  2454 794 4504

      After entering the access code, press # twice to listen to the meeting

    6. Resolution to Recommend to the BOS to Authorize the DPH to Accept and Expend a Gift of Face Shields in the Value of $10,127 from Sergey Brin


    7. DPH Office of Health Equity Update
    8. Proposed Revisions to the Health Commission Rules and Regulations
    9. Finance and Planning Committee Update

      There are no documents for this item.

    10. Other Business

      There are no documents for this item.

    11. Joint Conference Committee and Other Committee Reports

      There are no documents for this item.

    12. Closed Session

      There are no public documents for this item.

    13. Adjournment

      There are no documents for this item.

    Date & Time

    Tuesday, November 2, 2021
    4:00 pm to 6:30 pm


    If you have trouble viewing the meeting on SFGovTV, see link on page 4 of the agenda.
    View Livestream


    Public Comment Call-in Information:

    Access Code: 2454 794 4504
    Instructions for public comment are located on page 4 of the agenda.

    Video - Health Commission meeting 110221

    Last updated March 3, 2022