CCHP Vision Screening For children ages 3 to 5 What it is: A vision screening is a test that helps find out if a child has normal vision for their age. How it's done: A Public Health Nurse (PHN) checks your child's vision using the LEA chart for children ages 3-5. The chart hangs on the wall at the child’s eye level and the child names or tap pictures of the shapes they see. The shapes used during the screening are: circle, square, house, and apple. Parents/guardians receive a letter with the screening results. If we find vision problems or a child is unable to complete the screening, we will refer them for follow up. Kaugnay Eye Doctor Referral Directory Find Eye Doctors and clinics for eye exams and more. Last updated April 11, 2024 Mga kagawaran Child Care Health Program (CCHP) Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Department of Public Health