Nonprofit grants and funding Find funding opportunities for arts, youth, employment, health, housing and wellness services in San Francisco. Recursos Arts and Culture Arts Commission (SFAC) Grant opportunities for artists, groups and organizations. Grants for the Arts We provide general operating support for arts and culture organizations, and fund re-granting to individual artists and groups. Children, Youth and their Families Office of Early Care and Education (OECE) Find partnership opportunities and learn about becoming an Early Learning SF (ELS) city-funded program. Children, Youth and Their Families We fund programs for San Francisco's young people and their families. Department of Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF) DCYF funds services and resources through its multi-year request for proposals as well as short-term projects. Civic Engagement, Language Access, Immigrant Services OCEIA grant opportunities Funding for work that supports immigrants, language access, and civic engagement and more. Status of Women We promote equitable treatment and foster the advancement of women and girls. Economic and Workforce Development Bid opportunities Learn about bid and funding opportunities from the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) Film SF We champion filming in San Francisco to support a diversity of storytellers and our thriving production community. Homelessness Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) HSH regularly seeks proposals from orgs. that contract to provide support services, shelter, and housing. Housing and Community Development Affordable Housing Housing-related funding opportunities for developers and professional service providers. Community Development Grant opportunities from the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development. City of San Francisco For businesses and nonprofits Find contracting and grant opportunities at the Office of the City Administrator. San Francisco City Partner San Francisco City Partner announces bidding and grant opportunities from many city agencies. Community Challenge Grants Program We provide grants and technical assistance for community-led, neighborhood improvement projects. Get help for your business after a fire Learn what resources are available to businesses after a major fire, including a Fire Disaster Relief grant of up to $10,000. SF Shines Get help with storefront improvements. Legacy Business Program Long-standing small businesses can join the Registry for recognition, marketing and business help, and grants. State of California California Grants Portal Find all the grants and loans offered on a competitive or first-come basis by California state agencies. Departments Office of Economic and Workforce Development Business Development Nonprofit sector business development