Contains information on our Mental Health Plan's in-network providers, including program addresses, contact information, services, specialty, whether they're accepting new members, and more. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), and русски (Russian).
Contains information on our Mental Health Plan's clinicians such as their name, degree, languages spoken, license number, and more. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), and русски (Russian).
藥物濫用障礙 (SUD) 服務提供者名錄
Contains information on our DMC-ODS* Plan's in-network providers, including program addresses, contact information, services, specialty, whether they're accepting new members, and more. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), русски (Russian), and Tagalog.
Contains information on our DMC-ODS* Plan's clinicians, such as their name, degree, languages spoken, license number, and more. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), русски (Russian), and Tagalog.
*DMC-ODS stands for Drug-Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System.
The online Mental Health Plan provider directories are available here:
The online SUD Services provider directories are available here:
BHS SUD Services Provider Directory Online Dashboard
Data dictionary for SUD Provider Directory
Our provider directory APIs are coming soon!