Contracting with Department of Public Health
What to do once you receive a contract with the Department of Public Health
Contracts are awarded through a formal competitive solicitation (RFP, RFQ) process.
Get a National Provider Number
All health service providers are required to have a National Provider Identifier (NPI) Number. If you do not have one, you can apply for one. NPI Numbers are mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
*Register with the State of California and City and County of San Francisco
*If you are a Mental Health or Substance Use Disorder Services Provider, you must register with the State of California and the City and County of SF
Receive a funding notification letter from the DPH Business Office
This will detail the amount of funds allocated to your organization and assist you in creating your Appendix A and B.
It will also identify a Contract Development and Technical Assistance (CDTA) Program Manager (PM) as your principal point of contact. Your designated CDTA PM will field all questions regarding your DPH contract, and if he/she does not have a specific answer, then a referral will be made to one of the appropriate DPH sections.
Find a guide to reading your funding notification letter
Complete Appendix A (Program Narrative)
Use this form for all BHS and non-BHS programs
- Adult and Older Adult (AOA)
- Children Youth and Families (CYF)
- Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
- Residential Programs
- Substance Use Disorder Services (SUD)
- Transitional Aged Youth (TAY)
- Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH)
- Primary Care
- HIV Health Services (HHS)
- Community Health Equity & Promotion (CHEP)
- Fiscal Intermediary and or Program Management
Use this form for:
- Health Access Point Programs (HAP)
Complete Appendix B
Use this form for Behavioral Health Services (BHS) programs:
- Adult and Older Adult (AOA)
- Children Youth and Families (CYF)
- Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
- Residential Programs
- Substance Use Disorder Services (SUD)
- Transitional Aged Youth (TAY)
Instructions for completing BHS Appendix B
Use the BHS- FY24-25 Outpatient Blended Rate Template and Level of Intensity for Outpatient Programs document to determine your FY 24/25 Blended Rate and Units of Service (UOS) for SMH/SUD programs ONLY.
Use this form for all other programs: (instructions included in form)
- Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH)
- Primary Care
- HIV Health Services (HHS)
- Community Health Equity & Promotion (CHEP)
- Fiscal Intermediary and or Program Management
Use this form for:
- Health Access Programs (HAP)
Make sure your Appendix A and B are in order
Use this checklist to make sure you've completed all steps.
How to submit your Appendix A and B
The final draft of your Appendix A and B should be submitted to and send a copy to your designated CDTA program manager.
Your CDTA program manager will review your documents, work with you to make revisions as necessary and circulate your documents to the individual Systems of Care and Business Office for review and approval. Once reviewed, your contract will be certified and processed by the contracts unit.
Sign your contract
You will receive a copy of your final contract for signing through Docusign. Please sign these documents as soon as possible for final processing.
SF Department of Public Health Budget Unit will issue invoices once the contract is processed and certified.
Complete instructions for invoicing the SF Department of Public Health
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